The Useful Duck!

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A funny picture and a news story

I worked ground fairly late last night and then roused from bed by a assault from a nerf machine gun so perhaps I'm a bit groggy this morning.
I was checking the weather to see if it will hit 100 this week and came across a funny picture. This hot weather should be good for hay but there is so much dew in the morning it is like a shower. I'm going to cut at the end of the week. I think...
But, I digress...
Look at this story about a fellow groping a lady in a local store. Then look at the accompanying photos.
I know I should be horrified but... and that is a fairly large butt! I wonder if these photos show the fondler stalking his victim.
I wonder if the girl in the orange shirt is a supporter of OSU. They have a term for people who believe OSU will win and she is wearing orange and black.
I do think the real criminal is who ever gave that girl a super-wedgie!

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