My wife got me a FitBit. It says I walk about ten miles per day. Something like 20,000 steps.
I don't see how this is accurate.
I should be at work. I think we are chopping silage today.
No one was around the farm after work yesterday.
My wife's car seems to be failing.
It misses when you start it cold.
The antifreeze disappears but there is no discernible leak. After cranking there is pressure in the radiator.
But there is no white steam when I get it started. Instead it smells like raw gas.
It could be a head gasket, but that would mean white smoke.
An injector could be stuck open which would flood the cylinder with gas.
The oil smells like oil. No milky flavor, no gasoline smell. So, nothing past the rings.
It would not start yesterday.
After work I pulled the plugs. Number one spark plug was black with unburned fuel.
The rest were clean and wet.
I cranked and check for spark. All have spark.
Columns of gasoline vapor blew into the air.
I put the plugs back in and it started instantly and now the check engine light is off.
I put Dike Radiator sealer in and drove the car for a half hour.
I'm going to check it this morning.
At work I broke the mower twice. This is a record. People are making fun of me. The supervisor says I need to walk my lawns before mowing. I showed him the chunk of metal and pile of crap I found that didn't go through the mower. He was impressed that I didn't run over that stuff but I think it reinforced his conviction that I need to walk my lawns. Whatever...
At home I broke the disk mower. This was to the tune of $2500 plus.
Perhaps I am just a serial mower destroyer...
In other news, I again succumbed to the temptation to argue with morons on my real Facebook page. Progressives are such utter hate-filled idiots who then accuse you of hate when you argue with them and say all these absolutely horrible things. It is kind of funny. They do not understand irony.
But I get tired of being held to an impossible high misinterpretation of my moral code and then be told that since they don't have a moral code that I can't criticize their imaginary values.
It is only my remaining christian beliefs that keeps me from restoring to violence. They have no self awareness whatsoever.
I now work a the mothership of all stupidity and it wears thin.
I so want to comment on Facebook but I can't. It causes disharmony...

I keep thinking of this joke about a guy in a restroom and the punchline is, "21 years old and you still believe in Leprechauns." but it is an an off color joke and it would not be polite to post in on my blog.
And now I have to go to work...