I have a lot to do. I need to overhaul the engine on my White 2-135, the hydraulics are leaking badly on the 2-155, the Moline G1355 has a bad knock, the G1000 vista needs a hydraulic pump and a transmission rebuild. The M670 Super needs an amplitorque, clutch, and electrical work, the old M670 needs hoods, the other M670 needs to be put back together and who know what else, plus the Hesston 4690 needs plunger and header repair, stacker needs work, grain drill needs to be finished, and the list goes on.
Went to dealer yesterday to check on getting Hesston in the shop. Fellow didn't really want to work on it. Said the plunger guides were a pain to remove. Suggested time anywhere from 4 hrs to a day. I did find out there was a 15 percent discount on parts if ordered by the 15th so I went back home and made a list of parts. Ouch...
Also attempted to get the right tires on my grain drill. 11.5 x 15 eight ply multi-rib implement tyres are now $113 each. Up fifty bucks from the last time I bought.
In the midst of my parts list search I got a call from my first sale of ground feed. He wants more! He admitted I was selling too cheap at .12$ per pound. He wants another ton. He did say that some of the bags were a bit wet but that I had certainly added enough extra feed to make up for it. Seemed quite happy. So, instead of doing real work I'm going to fire up the old hammer mill and grind another ton of feed.
When I'm planting I charge $26 per acre. I can do a good 10 acres per hour.
Grinding feed I can do a ton in an afternoon. That would be $240. What would make me the most money, grinding feed or getting my drill ready? What do you think I'm going to do? (hint, when grinding feed I almost always get paid cash...)
The Useful Duck!
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And...Would the joker who keeps clicking "offensive" please leave an explanation ?!
And...Would the joker who keeps clicking "offensive" please leave an explanation ?!
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