The Useful Duck!

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Monday, September 24, 2012

A picture I like

I wanted to buy this water color for my wife for our anniversary. But I didn't set the sniping program correctly. Actually, I also forgot when it was ending which is why I'm posting in the middle of the afternoon. Also because I just got a chance to eat my lunch. However, I'm not sure that just because I like the painting it really qualifies as an anniversary gift.
I wish she liked vintage hifi, legos, old tractors, or Studebaker cars.


  1. Women never seem to appreciate the really important things! ;-)

  2. My wife asked for a weather station for her birthday! Click on the box where it says: "CHECK THE WEATHER AT MUDDY VALLEY"
    It even keeps a historical record.
    What can I say, I found a really good one the second time around.

  3. My wife asked for a bacon press for Christmas a few years back. I was more than happy to oblige. I think I've been the main benefactor.....I really like bacon!

  4. My wife is not terribly hard to buy gifts for. I am just short of creative thought at this point in time...


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