The Useful Duck!

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

The government is not there to help you, moving a friend, planting rye

Yesterday I helped a friend move some toolboxes. Every time I go down his driveway I get pissed at government and it makes me want to vote trump just out of spite. Not that Trump will actually fire the local head of NRCS or probably even have an affect on funding. Just because I want to see government plunged into Chaos.

My friend (who shall remain nameless at this point) sold his farm (in good faith) to the local soil conservation district and they screwed him. It took a decade. It took until there was a new head of the district. It took until the apparent the contact high that comes from spending your life with a pretty decent pothead farmer husband wore off for the chairman of the county board, but it happened.

You can tell from the sign. Look at that No-Trespassing sign. It is not "your/our" property, it is theirs. 

The county only took the best and cleanest ground to turn into the fabled Oak Savannah. They are letting the rest of the acres become over-run with teasel, thistle, blackberries. And of COURSE, they restrict access.

I came home and no-tilled Rye into Barley ground. This is not that great an idea as you can't control the volunteer Barley other than winter kill. However, our neighbor really wanted five acres of Rye for his whiskey project and so we did it. 

I planted 600lbs and the counter read 7 acres when I stopped. I was hoping for 600lb to 4 acres ratio as I wanted a higher crop density. Unfortunately, I went by the chart under the grain drill lid instead of measuring the drill output like I should have done.

Haste makes was every time. After spending an hour or so cleaning and setting up the drill it would seem I could have taken an extra ten minutes to check the seed rate. But, it was cold, and it started to shower, and I am a Lazy Farmer...

It was my 26 year anniversary and I was supposed to have started a fire and turned on the porch light for my wife who was working late.

I am a bad husband. 

I decided not to give her this chainsaw and tell her I purchased it for her as an anniversary gift. No sense adding insult to injury...

My friend explained that it had been setting for years since he got a heat pump mini-split and didn't burn wood anymore. Plus, it is a bugger to start as all newer Stihl saws tend to be. So I had to try it when I got home. Rosco is not completely impressed. He was strongly suggesting a pickup ride and did not give a rat's bottom about chainsaws. It did not start on the first pull.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about soil conservation districts as we don't have them here. There is no cheap land anymore (was there ever?) I hear good things about Stihl chain saws. Looks like your White could use some LED lights. I am just upgrading my 2090 Case to them.


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