The Useful Duck!

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

A foggy Sunday morning and the reflections that follow

 I woke up in the dark this morning. I looked out the window at 6 am and there was no sun. There was also no rain. My wife is away with the ladies so I didn't havre anyone to remind me that last night I said I was only working till 9 p.m. because I wanted to get an early start.

So I fell back into the semi awake state that happens when you are too stinking lazy to get out of bed. 

At 7 a.m. the room was lighter and I ventured a glance out the window.  The fog had rolled in and moitsure was dripping off of every surface. Nice weather to load the drill, I thought and I rolled over and pulled a pillow over my head.

Then I heard the geese and realized that summer was over and I still have a lot to do...

Motivation has become a serious issue. I can't keep blaming a broken leg or a crappy job for my laziness. I can blame getting sick the other day. I am still super tired and cough all the time. But, I am walking it off.

My buddy who wishes to not be named in my blog told me (as he does every other day) that my problem is guilt for the white race oppressing everyone else under the sun. I told him that he was absolutely correct and his insight had changed my life. He said I was a sarcastic arsehole and he would have fired me too.

Which brings me to the anniversary of my blog being discovered by Linfield University. Which is somewhere around this date last year. It is pretty disappointing to note that being outed has made no difference in my stats.

I am not sure what they accomplished by getting rid of me as they did not use me as any sort of example and I can now say all sorts of negative things if I really cared. Surprisingly, I am still in the loop.

Linfield funnies, Reshmi is still a troll, Jessica Rabbit Christina Hendricks is highly self motivated and has taken over her department and has been accused of being a bully. This is funny because I ended up defending her. Of course she is doing well, she is one of the very few that is actually qualified.

Meanwhile roofs are leaking, waterlines breaking, there is no mechanic, but the payroll guy got himself a hefty raise for setting around all day and playing with PayCom. I suspect he gets extra points for adopting a 30 year old Haitian and getting him free tuition.

One day the texts with the laugh emojis detailing hilarious mismanagements will stop. I am much less interested now. It is not my college. Then I will see the practice field and its five different kinds of invasive grass patches and feel sadness at wasting eight years of my life on idiots. I should have taken the job at George Fox.

But, I digress... 

I think it is time to plant!

1 comment:

  1. Past jobs, good or bad, are sea anchors inhibiting forward progress and adding sourness to the days. Cutting the thing loose is important but difficult with a dull sabre.


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