The Useful Duck!

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Seed bag art! Plus, attractive cloggers from Eastern Europe are now my friends on facebook!

Who designs seed bags?
Do they hire a graphic designer?
Does someone's daughter just sketch it out?
You can't really collect and frame plastic or paper seed bags. However, I think the art is kind of cool. I like this bag. I has a funky retro 1970's feel to it. Perhaps I staple one to the wall of the shop.
Planted this Sudan grass hybrid at the neighboring dairy the other day. I have to remember to call the dairyman and make sure he dumps a lot of poop-water on the field. It will most likely be a failure but everyone loves an optimist so I'll just be Mr. Positive about it, outside of this blog...
As you all know, I hate Mondays. I got up at 5:30 a.m. as I had plans to either, go stack hay, get my four acre flax field watered, fix the stacker, balance Quickbooks, or just wander around and look busy. Instead, I have had four cups of coffee and am trying to get the house cool before I shut all the windows and doors and pull the blinds. It is supposed to be 90 degrees today and I hate coming home to a 80 degree house. Perhaps one more cup of coffee before 7 a.m.

Note: To those of you who follow Budd E. Shepherd on facebook. Ok, yes I have been sending facebook requests to attractive young country-western singers and cloggers from Eastern Europe. Yes, I probably do need some sort of psychological help... My lovely and gracious wife is not amused...  I figure if chicken-little-egg-boy-Harlan-Sanders can have 800 attractive chicken farmers as his friends on facebook, I can have five attractive young banjo players, and Stacy Sheridan... (she accepted my friend request, oh my! It must have been my photo that did it. I bet she also likes me personally!)
I should also note that I have been left alone all weekend...
I also joined the Legendary Stardust Cowboy fan club! I should post a link!


  1. Stacy Sheridan! A fictitious character as a friend. Pretty much sums up facebook for me, and why I am not on it.

    1. You don't really want real people as your friends, fake ones are some much more entertaining!

    2. Stacy Sheridan is so friendly and nice on facebook! She wished me a good evening. This is much better than being friends with a real person.

  2. I like the seed bag , funcky on a wall. but as for Facebook unless I've met them them in person I don't add them. Unless they're attractive and add me...

    1. "Unless they're attractive..." and play the banjo...

  3. i figure this is about your speed - can you view this? the local weather guy posted it and the entire midwest is screaming with laughter:

    1. I think he is nuts... get it? NUTS!!!!

    2. i cant believe i laughed at that. i think they had to take down the graphic... but everyone got a very good laugh in the meantime. ha!

  4. I thought that you WERE the Legendary Stardust Cowboy fan club!

  5. I would suggest that you set aside a room in the house and start a collection of these bags. Your grandchildren will be able to sell them to antique dealers for a fortune.

    It will also get your wife's mind off your Facebook activities.

    Grace and peace.

  6. It is very nice and attractive and well designed seed bag art. So cool and great bag.

    Skiing and snowboarding accessories


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