The Useful Duck!
Contribute to my Vacation, please...
Sunday, November 24, 2024
I deliver hay and do farm stuff
Friday, November 15, 2024
A link to an interesting perspective on the Future Farmers of America
Thursday, November 14, 2024
I go to an Agricultural Show
Monday, November 11, 2024
How much I ended up charging to plant a hayfield/pasture
This is what it cost to plant a 12 acre pasture. This does not include the price of glyphosate or application of aforementioned evil poison...
100lbs Fawn Fescue $175
100lbs Orchardgrass $275
100lbs Climax Timothy $155
Recharge seed inoculant $116
129 gallons 10-34 liquid fertilizer $496.65
No-Till planting for 12 acres which was two directions at $30 per acre $660
(or I could have charged 5.5 hrs @ $120/hr which actually came out to the same price)
Total price was $1877.65
I think that is a lot of money for a 12 acre pasture. But I am not really making a lot of money on the job. I ended up getting the seed and fertilizer and it took forever. Plus, I paid for it all.
I was hesitant about charging for the second pass but it took a lot of time to do the first pass at an angle in this field. Second pass in a circle took a little over an hour. But the price I charge for planting reflects a high maintenance and expensive grain drill, a 180hp tractor, diesel, tires, and since it is a 1980's White tractor-the hydraulic oil I leak per acre.
I really feel that the cost in seed and fertilizer is pretty telling in relation to farming today. I know I am selling a service but I would have worked the ground. That would have doubled or tripled the farming cost but there would be a much better seed bed and better weed control.
Seed and fertilizer was $100 per acre and I assume Glyphosate was another $35 per acre.
Not a lot of room for error anymore...
I think it if fails I will replant for free or a substantial discount. Sort of feel guilty about charging so much...
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Planting a pasture
Yesterday I planted a pasture. I avoid doing pastures as I have never had a lot of success.
I live in Western Oregon. It seems to me that all the farming is done elsewhere. There are never good deals on tractors or research on alternative growing methods. The Rodale Institute is PA. When you look up farming information and get excited because the web address is "OSU." You soon find out that the research was done by Ohio State University, NOT Oregon State University.
It is pretty crazy when the catalogue from Great Plains MFG shows a set up just like mine replanting pasture but my experiences have mostly been failures.
There were three problems with this planting job.
First issue is it is too late in the year for me to have confidence in good seed germination. My experience is that the seed just sets there and rots. If it does come up then it frost heaves out of the ground.
Second problem is that this is an old Turf-type Fescue field. Turf fescue has Endophytes bred into the seed which help prevent disease but cause issues with animal health. It was sprayed with glyphosate a couple days ago but there will still be seed sprouting later on. Also, the fescue sod is hard to kill. If there is any sod that is still dormant from summer, it may still come back. (not likely but I have seen it)
The final issue is that the fescue is planted in 15" rows. The fescue rows have sod which is taller than the bare dirt between the rows. The no-till drill doesn't track well on the ridges. You have a lot of depth control issues. I could compensate if I could plant at an angle to the rows. However, this is an odd shaped field and there are few straight lines.
I suggested several alternatives. First I could no-till Cayuse Oats which will do "okay," winter planted and have a pretty decent hay yield. Take the hay off in late May when the oats are in late bloom. It is a little late for Oats so it would be better to wait until our winter weather break at the beginning of February. This would give time to make sure the fescue was dead.
Second suggestion was to work the ground. This would insure a kill on the fescue and make a smooth field. Again, November is a little late as we are heading into the rainy season.
My customer decided he wanted the pasture planted now and if it didn't come up we would do it again in the spring and he would pay me again.
So I planted.
The field was supposed to be 10 acres. I opted to plant two directions because of the difficulty with the fescue rows. This was not real successful. I picked a good straight line but soon found I was turning around way too frequently. Then I discovered that the field was more like 12 acres.
I got 100lbs of Fawn Fescue, 100lbs of Orchardgrass, and 50lbs of Timothy. The recommendation was 10lbs two directions but I wanted to go a little heavier. The goal was 30lbs total. However, having two acres extra was a problem. I scrounged through my shop for left over part bags, buckets, coffee cans, of any sort of forage grass. I found 25lbs of Kentucky 31, some Kentucky bluegrass of unknown vintage, and 25lbs more lbs of Timothy. I have 25 acres on the counter.
The other issue was fertilizer. I rebuilt my fertilizer applicator system with mixed results. I thought I had a system that I could easily agitate my fertilizer. This is handy if you have crappy 10-34 from Valley Ag or if you are mixing 32 and 10-34 as they tend to separate overnight. I needed the agitation as I was adding a Compost Tea inoculant called Recharge.
My friend has worked with these folks, CatalyistBioAmendments. They are in Colorado and seem less sketchy. I need to email them and see if they offer a similar seed starter. I had a picture showing how one side of the drill came up faster due to the inoculant but it doesn't show up well on a computer screen.
My agitation comes from the bypass which is how I regulate fertilizer pressure. The servo valve directs flow back into the tank instead of the usual method of restricting flow to the boom. There is a three-way valve on the boom which was made by Texas Industrial. A TIR.2401 three-way valve. This valve is now discontinued and I can't find instructions or a parts breakdown. It used to direct flow back into the tank when the fertilizer boom was shut off. Now it mostly just sticks open so if I want agitation I have to slowly reduce speed so the bypass directs all the flow back into the tank. It is a bit frustrating. A new high quality valve is like $400.
But I digress...
I mixed the compost tea inoculant in with the 10-34 fertilizer as this puts the mixture right down with the seed and set the Micro-trak Spraymate II at 8 gallons per acre. Everything was calculated for 10 acres and I foolishly mixed up very close to the correct amount. After making the first pass I had to go back home and mix up a second batch to make sure I came out correctly at 24 acres.
Then it started to get dark...
It was impossible to see anything and the GPS didn't work as the field had multiple slopes. The second trip I put down my marker, put the 2-155 in fifth over and ran at 7 mph. It took me 3 hours to do the first pass and an hour to do the second pass.
Skip this post it is about Politics and hasn't been edited.
I am finding this election cycle very depressing.
I never thought "they" would let Trump win. He is disruptive. He annoys establishment Republicans.
Now that Trump has won both the popular and the vote of the Electoral College the rationalization by both sides has began. I don't think anyone knows why the election turned out the way it did and so everyone is trying to figure out how the results agree with their perception of America.
I was talking to a friend who believes white people exist to oppress black people. He is sure the future is oppression of women and black people. He feels that the working class black folk who voted for Trump are colonialist apologists and kind of ignorant.
The Republicans are scrambling to kiss Trump arse and get jobs in the administration and still probably 70 percent of them want to screw him over. Mitch McConnell is pushing the election of a new speaker of the house to form a "loyal," opposition to Trump.
The is both good and bad. The problem with the Trump is that he surrounds himself with sycophantic idiots and you never know when they are going to claim there is secret plot to replace the senate with Reptilians or turn on Trump and claim he wants to put all women in jail. Both of those ideas are completely crazy as the Senate already is made of of Reptilians and... well I digress. My heart isn't really in a political discussion this morning.
A lot of people who tend to set out of elections voted for DT again this election cycle. Why did they set out the last election? Why did they come back for this one? At this time it sounds like there were a lot of male black and latino voters for DT. Also, quite a few women did not follow the gender line.
There are two distinct socio-economic classes in this country. There are the college educated people who work for government and company management. For example, you get a degree in environmental science and you intern with the local soil conservation district, and then you get a job in NRCS and you are making rules for farmers and you know nothing about farming plus your professors and peers claim farmers are colonialistic environmental abusers. Then you wonder why you are not getting cooperation.
Then there are the rest of us who work for our living...
The Democrats continually insult our intelligence. They pushed Joe Biden when he was obviously mentally unfit, they pushed him into the presidential race for the second time when he couldn't complete a sentence. Then, they screwed him over for the Vice President who comes off as a total idiot, and claimed she was the most capable person available.
There were bizarre campaign decisions like courting the Dick Cheney endorsement. They honestly tried to rehab Dick Cheney? Lefties wanted to prosecute Cheney for war crimes. It was hilarious. Plus, conservatives are still not happy about the Bush/Cheney war that lasted for ever and gained us nothing but hatred.
In the final weeks of the election the Democrats made insane claims about Trump executing Liz Cheny or prosecuting those you disagreed with him. The Democrats when over the top when they manufactured a Trump conviction. That conviction told us all that if we offended the wrong person we could go to jail for violating a whole lot of stupid rules that no one ever pays attention to.
Finally, there was illegal immigration, supporting the economy by printing money, and the Democrat instance on abortion up to actual birth.
People that I know want unrestricted immigration stopped. We believe several key points about current immigration policy. First, no control means that gangs, drugs, and criminals across the border. The cartels are obviously in charge. This brings in corruption with US government officials, it ruins the asylum process as the people you are escaping are following you in. It has given us new gang problems.
It is diluting the worker pool. There are too many unskilled or non English speaking people and it disrupts local industry. Plus, there is now a demand for housing but most people can't afford to build or own.
Abortion is a problem that must be solved. I feel the Republicans will totally screw this one up. (There is too much money being made off of abortion (on both sides) to ever solve the problem. Abortion should be available for up to 12 weeks, then restricted to heath of the mother, rape, incest, or being a Democrat. Most countries in the world are opposed to killing babies in the last month. It is insane we even debate it.
But now I am bored and want to talk about farm equipment. I wait with anticipation to see how the short pants RINO Republicans will totally screw this up.
Maybe Joe, Mitch, and Nancy will get us in a shooting war. That is about the only thing left.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
I ignore the obvious and waste several days on complicated solutions to a simple problem
I have been working on my under the sink water filter. I broke down and ordered a different on-demand 110v pump which I put in front of the water filter to pressurize the system.
It was very noisy. It ran all day.
I decided the pump was not getting enough water so I drove in to Lowes to get fittings to go to 3/8" tubing instead of 1/4" tubing.
A the stoplight to turn into Lowes I saw the hay customer I had forgotten about and I discovered I had left my cell phone at home. So I turned around.
After selling three bales of hay I returned to lowes.
This was an exercise in frustration as is every encounter I have experience at Lowes.
Everything is now push on and PEX fittings and nothing was right. Finally a very nice you man asked me if I needed help, and then kept trying to help me until I we actually found a brass t-fitting that should have worked.
The problem is that I need a female to female ferrule type thread adapter. The t-fitting for the water filter has a female swivel on one end and male threads on the other and the center fitting goes to a valve and direct to 1/4" tubing and a different ferrule than I can find.
The replacement T-fitting had male 3/8 ferrule type threads on all three ends which required more adaptation.
Then I discovered the fitting on the filter was no removable and that fitting was 1/4". So I decided to cut some of the extra feed line off and at least fit things in better.
Which is when I made my most important discovery. I ofter wonder what is wrong with my mind. I can do in depth trouble shooting, but I often miss the obvious. I am probably getting dementia.
The feed line was plugged with sediment.
Of course I did not have a new ferrule for the valve end so I cut if off short, cleaned the line, spliced a clear 1/4" line to the filters.
I could have done that two weeks ago...
In other news...
Someone has been actually reading old posts from this blog. I can see it on the analytics page. It must be someone with a national service provider as I can't actually tell what city they are from. It could be someone in Ireland. It is actually kind of neat to see what they are reading. I used to post a lot more and I think I did more interesting things back in 2011. I think life was better back in 2011.
If you are reading old posts I want to say thanks and I hope you enjoy them!
Monday, November 4, 2024
I ramble about politics and don't have any good pictures.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
I change injectors on White 2-155 and try to fix stuff
I changed the injectors in my White 2-155. It has been smoking quite a bit at idle. I bought the two hole injectors for a LDS-465 Hercules Army Truck engine off of eBay. They were supposed to be tested and NOS.
It seems to run better, less smoke, but I get an occasional engine miss. I asked a couple young fellows who work on diesel engines a lot and they think it is the injector pump. They suspect Bio-Diesel. The suggestion was to fill the filters up with Automatic Transmission fluid and run it for a while. The high detergent oil will clean out the injector pump. I tried it and I really don't know.
Friday, November 1, 2024
The wonders of under the sink water filter systems when they get to be ten years old.
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