Sunday, January 7, 2024

The usual problems with bigger

Hi Ralph, I don't know what has gone wrong but I can't reply to comments on my blog. I am worried about Gorges Grouse but the fellow from Africa has reappeared. Ed Winkle contacted me but I feel that is a fraud It didn't really sound like Ed from beyond the pale or even in real life. This internet life is confusing. 

Thanks Mr. 706. We shall see what we shall see.

Also, I got feedback on my post from formerly important people at my former college. They felt my tone was bad. I actually was justifying my separation. I appreciate the feedback but I am glad to be gone. I understand that my comment on the three types of people at the college sounds harsh but it is pretty accurate. I am going to remove the post as soon as I come up with another one.

I am sure someone will screen shot it and probably email it to my next real employer but I actually don''t really plan on having another real employer so what ever. Perhaps the folks in Melrose can enjoy more posts about making pig feed in future because that is what this blog will be about. I don't seem much point in a critique if there is nothing to be learned from it.

Have a great day! I will try to figure out what has gone wrong with blogger and get back on track.


  1. Interesting how blogger works, or doesn't. I think I can reply to comments on mine but then its been a while since I tried.

  2. I too am concerned about Gorges. Maybe since you are not at the college any more you can become a driver for Uber-Eats. Since I also have problems with leaving comments from my blog I will wish you grace and peace this way,


    1. I had Gorges email before google bought mail and I lost my address. Now I can't seem to email him. I can't really work for pay as then I might have to lose my free insurance. I am converting to socialism.


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