Monday, January 8, 2024

Blending in special ingredients

I have been making feed. There is a demand for pellets if I could get them to stay together and cooled and do it cost effectively.

I had major plans for today. 
The weather outside is cold and wet and I am in fact a lazy farmer. So I am working on my end of the year book keeping. Meaning, trying to upload boring videos to youTube and listening to old cassette tapes.
But I did have plans. In fact I was thinking about going to work, actually visualizing going out the door when my phone lights up. It is someone who was once featured in my blog and while he was not one who complained, he also doesn't want to be mentioned. This is too bad because he is a super interesting person. (Who is of course also a former employee.) (upper management, not a grunt)
He felt there should be a fourth category. But I won't go there. He also suggested pointing out that a lot of stuff I write should have a disclaimer. It is either satire or I just sound mean. Great points.
We were talking about students and how those of us in Grounds interacted. 
This lead to a discussion of Kierkegaard, and trying to explain the story of Abraham and Isaac to kids who have never been to Church but yet are expected to understand what some of us take for granted. Things about our culture that we assume, but yet no longer apply. 
This turned into a two hour discussion of all sorts of things. It is an interesting friendship.
I also had an interesting text discussion with the recently former President of the local University. He has moved on to a new University in Nigeria, I suggested my friend (who has a Hippo on his lawn) but Angola is like 2000 miles from Nigeria... 
I really was fortunate to make friends with people like the former President who has had so many life experiences and never seems to give up encouraging me to become a positive person. 
I will probably come back and edit this post later to remove references to my past life but for now here it is.
Later, I need to go out and remove the drive motor on the conveyer I use to cool the pellets. Saturday I was using an auger to move and cool the pellets and it ground them up really bad. The pellets are really soft when hot.
I have made a list of goals for the week. I must pull the motor/transmission on a 2-155 and fix the four wheel drive on my 2-60. Then I need to find shop space to tear the No-Till drill apart and do deferred upkeep or maybe I should do that first. However, I do need to make some cash so I have a few other things to work on.
We shall see what we shall see. It is so good to be free! You just can't imagine.


  1. It sounds like I am a lazier farmer than you. Once it turns colder I just do the bare minimum chores outside and get back in the warm house. Below zero farenheit is not conducive to my outdoor activities. So I don't feel too guilty staying in.

    1. I have a lot of catching up to do.


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