Sunday, January 7, 2024

Well it was bound to happen

The Lazy Farmer has returned. I no longer work at the University. I wanted to make it to No-till season and then transition into a new job. However, things moved faster than anticipated so I can now blog again. 

I have a lot to do. I put my life on hold for eight years and I am pretty far behind. I suspect if I would have worked another year there for the insurance it would have been too late to go back to my real life.

It is really amazing how much my attitudes have changed during my stint in Purgatory. There is no way in hell I would support sending a kid to a liberal arts University. I have talked to way too many frustrated young people who resent the current of Indoctrination vs education that is the hallmark of any of the arts and sciences in the University system.

The sun is out today and I am going to drive down to the river and scare geese off the field. Later in the month the stress of farming will sink in,  but I am going to enjoy the sense of relief I feel from moving on.

(Note: some blog posts are missing as I was attempting to remove things found offensive by the HR department. I can't quite remember how far I got so it is what it is. If it bugs you complain)

The odd collection of music I attempted to listen to today

The offensive book I am attempting to read in my spare time


  1. Welcome back Bud. It must be nice to have the freedom to be offensive again. Good luck with the farming and hope its a little less stressful than working as groundskeeper. I haven't seen or heard any sign of Gorges Smythe lately and beginning to wonder if he is ok.


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