Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hay raking

I had a plan to sell this rake. I took a video to show that it works. Then I realized how bad the tractor pulling the rake looked.
Lulu is now 13 years of age. She actually wants to work.
Unlike myself.
She is not a lazy farmer...

For those who are interested.
This is a double rake. It puts two windrows together. It has a right and left hand basket. They are extended by hydraulic cylinders. The baskets swing out as the cylinders are extended. You can extend one side at a time for turning single windrows.
And now I must go to work...
I have one of the only bale stackers in the neighborhood. This means I do everyone else's hay before our own.


  1. Now that is a serious hay rake. Makes my old 5 wheel Pollard look like a toy. I am trying to remember what dry ground and hay look like. I have not seen it here in Sask. for a while. Now I need to go and empty the rain gauge.

    1. If we could only get together and exchange weather. But on a specific date.

  2. Rain here for two weeks and another one predicted. The hay is getting well past its prime.

  3. Moving right along. High side of fourth?

  4. Rake, tractor, and Lulu all look like they are doing a fine job! Have you taught her to weld and knock out old bearings yet? I see a great future ahead for your rocking chair years.

    1. No rocking chair for Budd E. Lulu is going to be administration.

    2. (and as of the most recent post, maybe editor)


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