Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What was wrong with the G1355

It would seem that I melted a piston...

I was chopping silage a few years ago. I skipped church to chop in the mud. The MM G1355 pulled down as the chopper kept plugging up from mud and down corn. When it pulled back out it started knocking and I shut her down.
The other time I skipped church and worked on Sunday I nearly died. So this was an improvement.
I thought I posted about it but I guess it has been longer ago than I thought. It must have been on the other blog. The one that went away.
I just threw the sand castle photo in there because I took my daughter to the beach Sunday. Where we built a very large sand castle and a good time was had by all.
Today it poured down rain.
I listened to the Beach Boys on my Sony TC-651 reel to reel. It was nice.


  1. So are parts for a MM 585 hard to come by? That tractor may not be as nice to operate as the Field Bosses, but it has a lot of cool factor!

    Don't you know that the weather is too nasty to go to the beach in OR in early Feb?

    1. Orin, The 1355 has a decent cab. Not a very good seat but that could be changed. The A/C needs some work but is ok in anything under 90 degrees. It is a nice handling tractor. Doesn't have the annoying twitchy steering of a White/Oliver. Has incredible bottom end and is quiet at say 1800 rpm.
      Pistons are now $300 each...
      We had nice weather and we took advantage of it!

  2. I will restrain myself from commenting on the association of religion and misfortune.

    Any damage to the cylinder wall?

    1. No damage to the cylinder wall.
      I do all I can to preserve my Sunday day of rest...

  3. Have you fixed it up or might you be interested in parting it out?

    1. We bought the parts and got the machine work almost done so the goal is putting it back together.
      You must have one?


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