Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sometimes one forgets what one says... sometimes people remind you...

I was at a BBQ for customers of a seed cleaner, buyer, seller. It was a good BBQ. Amazing steaks, very tender, the sort that you don't put steak sauce on. I did not see Orin, it was sort of in his neighborhood. I suspect he was off night-clubbing, the young whippersnapper that he is...
It was an interesting experience. They had an open bar and folks were making use of that.
But..before the meal they had a prayer.
The music stopped, everyone took their hat off and the bartender said a very good heartfelt prayer.
And then everyone (except us temperance folks) went back to drinking.
My brother is the friendly one of the family. I don't like crowds anymore.
I retreated to the safety of some of my drunken friendly neighbors. And I got onto my problem of only having three subjects to talk about, no-till, moisture testers, and neighbors who had cracked up. My brother talking to an old friend but I didn't really know what to say. It was in a big warehouse building and I couldn't hear because of the echoes. The last time I saw the fellow I talked about finding his records in the Goodwill record bin and I thought that subject had been exhausted. (he was in a Christian singing group)
So I hung out with my neighbors as they got their profits back in beer.
So one of them tried to sell me his JD no-till drill. Which was kind of funny as he is a former no-till customer. And I said that if I bought a JD I would have to wear short pants and the other neighbor started laughing and exclaimed...
"Yes but I remember you saying one time the only farmers who wear short pants are either assholes or foreigners."
And his father said, "and you know he is right! We have tested that theory!"
The fellow with the drill turned bright red and I started stuttering...
I do not drink in public...
I have been thinking about giving them a call at 7:30 to see if they want to help me grind feed.


  1. I often get that feeling when I am writing a post but I get around it by figuring that some people need to hear my wisdom more than once.

    Grace and peace.

    1. Pumice, expect that you actually have words of wisdom instead of just random crap you say cause you think it is the time...

  2. It sounds like an interesting moment in life.

    I have no true idea what JD no-Till Drill is, I assume that JD stands for John Deer. After that I am clueless. But I enjoy reading your posts.

  3. msladydeborah, We were talking about no-till grain drills and JD stands for John Deere. No-till means you don't have to work the ground before planting. The planter, called a drill cuts into the dirt or sod without any other tillage.
    Don't feel bad, sometimes I don't know what you are talking about either but I enjoy reading your blog!


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