Sunday, October 23, 2011

Some randomness on a Sunday Morning

My stereo sounds like crap. No highs, but a lot of midrange. Suspect the cartridge. Someone buy me this replacement stylus?
Speaking of getting something for nothing.
Has anyone really searched for both sides of the occupy issue?
I found a blog which discussed the right wing blogger's response to the occupy movement and I was sad to see the Lazy farmer was not listed. There were some really funny blog names however.
I lost the link.
I seems that there would be someone clever enough in the Tea Party movement to forge a link on common grounds or at least recruit. The occupy people make good points and they have the energy but it seems to me to be somewhat misdirected. There are some amazing examples of "organic" type self government coming out of the movement. I think it is underestimated. More will come of these protests just like more came out of the "hippie" protests of the 1960's and a lot of it was BS...
And, The Eye Of Polyphemus got told off by a kind of interesting person and an interesting comment. It made me think twice about my blog.
Read the comments, ignore the baloney spouted by the Budd E. Shepherd fellow. He doesn't know what he is talking about...
What I was listening to this morning... Somehow it seems relevant..


  1. I quit following Jeffards when he decided that I was his enemy. I'm afraid his health issues are affecting his judgement.

  2. Gorges, I enjoy reading Jeffords. I like his Dr. Who reviews and I like his articulation of why I dislike the later star trek incarnations. My links to him may have helped get the plug pulled on Nephew's blog, (although they are not much worse than naked ladies on advertisements for Motocross accessories.) It did make me think twice about what I write. Jeffords didn't take it so well, but then it is his blog not mine... i don't always deal with criticism so well myself.

  3. @Gorges you were completely classless in wishing pain upon me for not agreeing with you on gun issues the comment that got your blog removed from my blogroll. Your comment now that i must be mentally as well as physically ill is further justification for cutting you off.

    @buddeshepherd I would not let Concerned_about-content get under your skin. I am not a christian blogger. I am a blogger who happens to be a Christian. There is no evangelism to be found at the Eye. if you wish to say you are a Christian farmer rather than a farmer who happens to be a Christian, that is between you and God. Concerned_About_Content ought not be a factor.

  4. Jamie, But, he used big words and sounded theological!

  5. I know. He went to the Ivy Leagues and earned a PhD. he is just plain better than us.


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