Farming for me is like swimming in mud. That is why I'm setting in my chair drinking coffee. I can hear the sounds of the neighborhood around me and everyone is working.
I attempted to work yesterday...
What did I do?
In the morning, an hour of phone calls which accomplished nothing...
Made two hydraulic hoses, changed the hydraulic filter on the 2-155. Greased the front end and tried to find an extra grease zerk on the front drive axle that is there on the MM G706. I didn't find one in the manual. I think the front drive is getting a little loose. I do not want to take that apart but I suppose I will. I also do not want to pay the dealer $100 an hour to learn how to work on the front drive on a White tractor.
I also looked up a videos of how to play "I love Rock and Roll," and "I want to be sedated," on YouTube for my daughter. I bought her a little guitar amp that plugs into her guitar and the headphone jack on the computer so she can play along with videos on youtube. She couldn't understand the guy either.
Then I helped her with cookies. She made oatmeal cookies for the first time by herself and I helped her take them out of the oven and scrape the pans. I also ate a few but I don't really like oatmeal and raisin cookies. I think the oatmeal should go to a starving horse and the raisins should go into these funny cookies my wife makes that have coffee in them.
But, I digress...
I attempted to shoot a huge coyote from way too far away and I missed... Daughter was amazed at the size of the coyote and didn't seem to mind that I missed.
Ate lunch.
Daughter left with her Aunt.
I wandered around aimlessly trying to remember what I was doing.
Made more phone calls trying to find a powerbin to get seed wheat in.
Went after Tetraplyoid (sp) ryegrass seed for a whopping 20 acres.
Hauled a drag harrow to the field with the tractor pull track. Screwed up repeatedly shifting the 13spd. I thought they were supposed to be easier to shift than a 5 and 4. Gave the retired truck mechanic a special thrill from hearing a 6-71 detroit going past his house.
Got a call from a guy who wanted pig feed so stopped everything to get out the mixer grinder.
Got a call from my helper that he had lost a dual off the 2-135 and that he had just checked the bolts and they were tight.
Drove loader tractor down the road to put dual back on.
Had to wait for the train.
Tried to make conversation with the lady who walks by our house twice a day who was also waiting for the train. Not much luck with that.
Put the dual on.
Got the truck with barley and hooked up the mill and auger and 2-155. Discovered the 2-155 will grind feed a little faster than an M670. Was talking to the neighbor while the whole Rube Goldberg contraption was functioning and accidently over-filled the feed mill. It all started coming out the top. Kind of messed up the feed ration. Oh, well...
Switched out 540 PTO and took quick hitch off 2-155. The three-point won't hold up over night and the tractor is hooked to the no-till drill the quick hitch comes down on the hydraulic hoses and multiple monitor wires going into the cab and screws everything up.
Talked on the phone.
Hooked up to the drill in the dark.
Talked to brother and employee about something for a half hour.
Walked to the house and took a shower as the barley dust was starting to drive me insane.
Made supper with the microwave.
Went to bed...
Woke up...Nearly shot the cat...Went back to sleep...It was morning...Tried to ignore the daylight...failed...thought about shooting the cat again....made coffee...sat in farmers are is is still making noise....ate cookies....spun cat on fake hardwood floor, cat bit more cofeee...sat in is chewing on my foot....battery going dead on iBoooooooooookkkkkkk.......
Oh...wait... Look at this blog and website. This fellow made so pretty good comments on this other blog and I followed him to Texas... And that was the point of this whole post-I just got off subject!
Have a nice day!
Have you considered a career as a mechanic? Nothing would change except that you might get paid better.