Sunday, November 10, 2024

Skip this post it is about Politics and hasn't been edited.

I am finding this election cycle very depressing. 

I never thought "they" would let Trump win. He is disruptive. He annoys establishment Republicans.

Now that Trump has won both the popular and the vote of the Electoral College the rationalization by both sides has began. I don't think anyone knows why the election turned out the way it did and so everyone is trying to figure out how the results agree with their perception of America.

I was talking to a friend who believes white people exist to oppress black people. He is sure the future is oppression of women and black people. He feels that the working class black folk who voted for Trump are colonialist apologists and kind of ignorant.

The Republicans are scrambling to kiss Trump arse and get jobs in the administration and still probably 70 percent of them want to screw him over. Mitch McConnell is pushing the election of a new speaker of the house to form a "loyal," opposition to Trump.

The is both good and bad. The problem with the Trump is that he surrounds himself with sycophantic idiots and you never know when they are going to claim there is secret plot to replace the senate with Reptilians or turn on Trump and claim he wants to put all women in jail. Both of those ideas are completely crazy as the Senate already is made of of Reptilians and... well I digress. My heart isn't really in a political discussion this morning.

A lot of people who tend to set out of elections voted for DT again this election cycle.  Why did they set out the last election? Why did they come back for this one?  At this time it sounds like there were a lot of male black and latino voters for DT. Also, quite a few women did not follow the gender line.

There are two distinct socio-economic classes in this country. There are the college educated people who work for government and company management. For example, you get a degree in environmental science and you intern with the local soil conservation district, and then you get a job in NRCS and you are making rules for farmers and you know nothing about farming plus your professors and peers claim farmers are colonialistic environmental abusers. Then you wonder why you are not getting cooperation.

Then there are the rest of us who work for our living...

The Democrats continually insult our intelligence. They pushed Joe Biden when he was obviously mentally unfit, they pushed him into the presidential race for the second time when he couldn't complete a sentence. Then, they screwed him over for the Vice President who comes off as a total idiot, and claimed she was the most capable person available. 

There were bizarre campaign decisions like courting the Dick Cheney endorsement. They honestly tried to rehab Dick Cheney? Lefties wanted to prosecute Cheney for war crimes. It was hilarious. Plus, conservatives are still not happy about the Bush/Cheney war that lasted for ever and gained us nothing but hatred.

In the final weeks of the election the Democrats made insane claims about Trump executing Liz Cheny or prosecuting those you disagreed with him. The Democrats when over the top when they manufactured a Trump conviction. That conviction told us all that if we offended the wrong person we could go to jail for violating a whole lot of stupid rules that no one ever pays attention to.

Finally, there was illegal immigration, supporting the economy by printing money, and the Democrat instance on abortion up to actual birth.

People that I know want unrestricted immigration stopped. We believe several key points about current immigration policy. First, no control means that gangs, drugs, and criminals across the border. The cartels are obviously in charge. This brings in corruption with US government officials, it ruins the asylum process as the people you are escaping are following you in. It has given us new gang problems. 

It is diluting the worker pool. There are too many unskilled or non English speaking people and it disrupts local industry. Plus, there is now a demand for housing but most people can't afford to build or own.

Abortion is a problem that must be solved. I feel the Republicans will totally screw this one up. (There is too much money being made off of abortion (on both sides) to ever solve the problem.  Abortion should be available for up to 12 weeks, then restricted to heath of the mother, rape, incest, or being a Democrat. Most countries in the world are opposed to killing babies in the last month. It is insane we even debate it.

But now I am bored and want to talk about farm equipment. I wait with anticipation to see how the short pants RINO Republicans will totally screw this up. 

Maybe Joe, Mitch, and Nancy will get us in a shooting war. That is about the only thing left.


  1. I do learn a bit about farming from your posts. That being said, there was a guy, an acquaintance, who was a Delta pilot at the top of the seniority list. Also, as a retired Air Force pilot he was loaded. We'd talk about politics a times, usually ending with the comment that he'd spent too much time, more or less alone, in a confined, noisy, metal machine.

    Many of the people who voted for Trump were too young to have witnessed the chaos of his first term. He is a narcissist, unread, impulsive, liar and philanderer and lacks morals or ethics. Half of the American population reads at an 8th grade level or less. Nationwide, high school graduation rate is about 79%. Looking at both numbers we have a lot of people that would be unable to read any of the operating or maintenance manuals for your tractors. If they listen to any news, it's Fox which has been spewing bad information for many years.

    Black and Latino males voted for him because they 'find him entertaining.' It's unclear to me how he could be entertaining unless they like him groping and banging every woman he can.

  2. Biden has always been a poor speaker. His record as President will remain very high on most people's expectations. The Infrastructure Bill was huge bi-partisan effort and has provided jobs, internet to rural areas and much needed commerce-dependent roadway improvements. Was Biden less vibrant? Sure. Is Trump less functional? Sure Both were too old to run.

    Trump was going to win because of the hurricane of Russian influenced disinformation, the GOP's capture of the Christian conservatives and the working class. How the self-enriching Republicans convinced the working class that the GOP was actually a populist movement is a testimony to to dis-information and politics at it's best or worst.

    Trump is a fat lazy slug. It's unlikely that he will accomplish much. The deportation effort is huge at $3.8 billion and will devastate the workforce of agriculture, meat processing, hospitality...and roofers. Trump is an idiot on the topic of tariffs which would drive up consumer costs. Tariffs and deportation in combination would be devastating. Remember that he is old, fat, and focused on self-aggrandizing and does not understand the mechanics of government. He will get little done just as he got little done in the first two years of his first term when Republicans controlled Congress. This time his window is again the first two years because after that he will be a lame duck.

  3. Musk will dance and yell for a while but Trump will tire of his upstaging and the red state Congressional members will fight any cuts that reduce pork to their states. Vance is also a puppet and Peter Thiel is pulling his strings. People behind Project 2025 and the likes of Michael Flynn are working to have Trump out w/i 24 months; he's unreliable and unable to follow a script so the 'deep state' Republicans want Vance.

    Republicans have already screwed up abortion with the dysfunctional Supreme Court decision. I agree with you that they will make it worse. If they end up controlling the House and the Senate there will be a bill for a nationwide ban and Trump will sign it; he has said that he would not but he lies about everything.

    It's easy to argue that the charges and convictions against and of Trump have a political component but one cannot argue that he has not acted immorally, unethically and illegally in any examination of paying taxes, influencing elections, violating security ethics, etc.

    Harris was not a strong candidate. Biden's domestic and foreign policy experience was a gift and safety lever for the Democracy despite his age. Walz was a non-threatening, compliant talking head. Trump will be better viewed by history to his true character than by his contemporaries. He is a fascist. He entries Putin. Putin and the Saudis own him.

    If you were closer I'd hire you to re-work my pasture. Currently I'm working an offer to turn six acres into a solar farm which would pay dramatically more than the field rent I get, but I suspect Trump's commitment to counter green initiatives will kill my solar deal.

    We're all attempting to work when politicians are working against us.

  4. It's unclear how my comment will appear. When I first tried to publish it the app said my comment was too long. Chopping it up was a mess but I noticed a couple errors. I missed commenting on RFK Jr who will flame out shortly. Musk will be gone because he'll upstage Trump. Trump has a very narrow window with a slim margin in the House. He's 18 months from being a lame duck and pulling a few appointees from Congress shortens his opening for initiatives on the the front end. At best his tenure will be a mix of uphill in the mud and downhill with no brakes.

    1. I agree that Trump is a lame duck. I see Nikki Haley is thinking strategically for the next cycle and kept out of this administration. I think it will be a high turnover, lots of posturing, lots of the Trump is bringing the end of the world and the Republicans will fail in the key points.

    2. I think Art should run for president since he is all knowing.


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