Friday, February 16, 2024

The WuFlu and I

This will be a winter to remember.

My wife had the sniffles and a cough. Then she felt worse. So she took a WuFlu test. She got the two thin red lines. Yesterday she felt pretty bad. She had the shivers and that alternated with her skin hurting. She has not lost her sense of smell. She is feeling better to day but is sleeping a lot.

We investigated cures right away. We have some Ivermectin but it is the one percent injectable for pigs and cows. The non approved recommendation is to go by the swine dosage chart and take it internally. Mix it with orange juice or something. After spending a lot of time looking for information we dropped the idea. The internet is not the wealth of information it once was. Search engines no longer bring you the information you need. Only the "information," rationed to you.

It would appear that if you can still smell bacon then you don't have a from of the Harvard virus that was killing everyone and you don't need to get crazy with home cures.

We have been taking lots of vitamin C and Zinc. Also multivitamins include D.  I am liberally dosing with CDB because I have a lot of it and need to use it somehow. I also have been doing fresh grapefruit juice and raspberry juice. Because it makes me feel like I am doing something clever by squeezing grapefruits to a cup and telling my wife it is good for her. 

I bought the Grapefruit as a source of quinine in case it was actually malaria. However, the quinine is in the skin and unless you are sure the grapefruit is grown without the use of pesticides you can get a concentration of something more than quinine. 

I have also been drinking cheap Tonic Water. It has a lot of sugar in it and probably doesn't do much. It was suggested to add a little Gin as that served the British well when they ruled the world.  But Colonialism is out of fashioned nowadays unless you are the Chinese and not Taiwan. I certainly don't need another trip to Human Resources, not that it matters now...

In other news, I have become rather fascinated by the Big Headed Scientist. I feel there is a lot of credibility to this story and I would consider working this into my belief in the Flat Earth, however, I don't think they will let me in,

(In all honesty I do prefer the George Clinton mothership concept as all you have to do to join is to "get down." )

Have a great afternoon...


  1. C, Zinc & D. Lots of fluids. Ibuprofen. Absolutely do not take Ivermectin; long term gastrointestinal complications. If you are vaccinated four or five days feeling crappy. Without vaccination, good luck.

  2. Ivermectin is for parasitic intestinal worms and lice. You have virus. Get Paxlovid.


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