Friday, February 2, 2024

Pain is a suffering preferable to talking to the insurance company or the gubment

Now the real suffering begins.

Yesterday my daughter took me for my post surgery checkup. Yesterday was February first. The insurance policy from my previous job ended on January 31. It appeared to follow seamlessly. However, since the policy did change, there are issues.

I need to call today and try and straighten out the issues but I just don't have the energy. I also have to prove my identity to the State Employment people and go to a orientation meeting. This would be fine it I could walk and drive. I need to call them as well.

I did not get a lot of information from my Dr. visit. My insurance and medical care is through the Nations oldest and largest HMO. This is why I oppose National Health Care.  I have had good luck and bad luck though the system. Yesterday, I got a hurried and stressed doctor that had a lot of patients waiting and I had a difference of understanding between what the surgeon told me and what this Doctor understood.

It will be fine, other than I have no idea how to solve their billing issues and I suspect it will mean a lot of time on the phone.

The bottom line is I can put as much weight on my hip as I can stand. What I wanted to know was if I started walking without crutches would I learn bad habits of walking and set back my healing. Did I get any sort of therapy. Are there any special instructions or maybe hints that things are good or bad.

I am making really good progress. Every day I can go further without crutches. I am trying not to limp or develop bad walking habits. My hip actually feels pretty good. It is my knees that are the problem. What I really need to learn how to do is sit in a straight backed chair again. need to set at my table and do my books and contact my insurance and set up a pile of personal possessions to sell on the big auction sight.

In other news, my friend who wishes to not be discussed in this blog thinks I should read, "The half finished heaven," by Tomas Transtromer.

I am not really sure I am up for Modernist-Surrealist Poetry at this stage in the healing process.

Instead I think I will watch "McHales' Navy," on the oldies TV channel. You can't go wrong with PT boats.

Have a nice day!

If you need your own pain and suffering listen to this cover of "Wildwood Flower!"

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are healing and gaining some mobility. I try to keep you in mind when I am walking on our ice here.


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