Saturday, January 13, 2024

Winter arrives with snow and wind, for a predicted two days of suffering!

 A cold front happened. We all know that Global Climate change means every weather event is a Crisis. Today was cold. Cold enough to freeze the cannon balls off a brass cannon ball holder. Colder than the posterior of someone digging a well, colder than,,,

It was actually 19 degrees. I don't know if the precipitation was freezing rain, snow, sleet, or windblown ice particles capable of removing paint. My shop door froze shut. The woodpile is covered in ice and sticks of wood are slow to burn. The wind is howling around the corner. The wolf is at the door.

Actually it is just the little doggie in a down sweater who wants in but he was urgent.

I have been attempting to get insurance. The Federal gubment is very happy to provide me with cheap and not very good coverage if only i do not get another job. I am now an ardent socialist. I hope everyone works hard so I don't have to!

I finally go so annoyed with the insurance process that I went out to the shop to fix the lights on the gator. The tail lights do not work. I want to be able to George Jones the Gator into town and annoy my wife. But, I feel like I should have tail lights and at least one turn signal. Hopefully the right one so I can turn across traffic. 

The cab needs to come off for structural repairs and if I did that I could remove the hood and just rewire the whole thing. There are too many connectors and splices.

Finally I got frustrated when I heard the nephews on their four wheelers and just put it all back together. But by the time I got it out of the shop they had gone home, I cut cookies by myself until my wife texted to see if I were becoming dizzy.

So I went home and struggled with the fire. I want to be somewhere warm...

According to my weather app this will last two days. Then back to just wet and cold.


  1. I like the old twin I beam Ford pickup. 19 degrees sounds like Hawaii right now compared to our daytime high of -22F. At least the sun is shining today to give us a little hope that this too shall pass.

  2. Honesly, I think the twin I-Beam is a bit over rated. I mean they are fine until you have to rebuild them I would rather do kingpins. But they do last pretty well. The 352 is a really nice running engine. My shop door keeps freezing shut. But it is not -22. I do not yearn for Hawaii, but I would totally accpet a trip to San Diego, Gulfito Costa Rica, or Fort Meyers FL.


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