Monday, January 29, 2024

Happiness and options for the future

The randomness of life amazes me. One moment you are going insane and stuck in a demoralizing job and then, in the course of a couple weeks, you have no job, you are confined to a house and crutches, and the world is suddenly full of options.

If I were ten years younger I would have a job by now because there are so many opportunities, However, I am not sure I want to be a groundskeeper, sprayer operator, or dump truck driver.

I should have done this years ago!

I have been thinking capitalizing on the Regenerative Agriculture movement. 

The idea of farming with less chemical inputs has always appealed to me. The problem I have with the whole thing is that there was no magic to pre 1930's agriculture. It was hard work and it was hand labor. The regen people seem to think there is a secret magic formula that will make all of nature work in harmony. 

I see Mother Nature as a cycle of boom vs bust and catastrophic change where the survival of the planet is based on the average. But that average is attained by sometimes wild extremes. 

This is influenced by my Euro-centric Colonialist world view and Indigenous peoples always have the "Undeniable Virtue of the Oppressed," on their side. Thus they are always in harmony with "Nature." 

Every poop is sacred if it is done by an Aboriginal but if it is contributed by a White Colonialist it is pollution.

But I digress.

I am thinking of taking parts of this course from I have met Dr. Elaine and listened to her motivational speech and she appears to have qualifications. However, I have met many people who attempted to sell Amway memberships and I am very skeptical and it costs $2600

My other plan was to get a certification as a Sports Turf Manager from which I think I can get from $350 to $150 price range. I started the Certification but then it was farming season and I didn't have time to finish the course. It seemed to be a good course and it was from the University of Georgia.

Other options are to get serious about farming or to buy a smaller no-till drill and work for the Soil Conservation Service, or work part-time for a local golf course and farm at home. I will probably do the part-time job.

In pain and suffering news...

Today I walked twenty feet without crutches. (don't tell my wife) Today was also the day to remove the dressing and uncover my stitches. 

The surgery was really pretty cool. They did have to slice me open to get the right angle for the DeWalt drill but is healing amazingly well and for some reason the stitches don't hurt. The incision is also held together with Steri-Strips which pull the sides of the incision together. 

The concept for Steri-Strips was invented by my good friend Mel who actually patented the design. After thousands of dollars and a number of years he gave up. Shortly thereafter 3M came with Steri-Strips and now I am benefiting. Thanks Mel.

I have to post this picture.

After years of putting up with my weird uptightness about stacking wood my wife had to stack wood by herself. I am immensely proud of her. It is pretty darn straight and stable.

Pretty darn good woodpile!

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