Monday, December 19, 2016

You are what you eat

One of the fundamental principles of the delusional democrat is the belief in the "low information white voter."
This can be distilled down to if you are white and didn't get a four year degree and you work for a living you tend to be more conservative.
I have found this concept to be accurate for people of color that I meet as well but then I suspect I seek likeminded people. Or perhaps conservative people of color don't fit the consensually desired narrative and so are ignored.
Since the people who work for Slate and Politico have all been to college and know more than anyone else this is intrupted as conservatives are stupid and don't deserve an opinion.
The counter argument says that colleges present information from a liberal perspective.
After working in a college grounds department and being invisible for a year I would have to say to my fellow low info friends, 
You just have no idea the BS your hard earned dollar is buying for the re-education of your children.

And now I have to return to shoveling leaves in the snow. 
I leave you with a picture from warmer times/climes.


  1. Shoveling leaves in snow. That sounds like policy that came from a committee.

  2. I've hard of people using snow blowers to move grain so I guess anything is possible.

  3. We don't have the leaf issues you do, but I try to make sure they are not in any areas that will require shoveling; the are such a pain to shovel when they get snow covered.

  4. 1960s literature, contributing to the delinquency of yet another minor?

  5. Not Happening: "Build a wall"
    Not Happening: "Massive deportation"
    Not Happening: "Drain the swamp"
    Not Happening: "I will not touch Medicare"
    Not Happening: "I will not touch Social Security"
    Not Happening: "Opposed to gay marriage"
    Not Happening: "Will not honor NATO"
    Not Happening: "Lock her up"

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to respond. Despite the downside of liberal college educations, at least the kids will do what they say they will for at least a few years (rather than just saying whatever is popular).

    The leaves are all frozen under the snow here. They are unrakeable and unblowable. Conservatism also comes with age...sort of hand-in-hand with being tired and burned out.


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