Saturday, December 31, 2016

How I really feel...

Going to work in the belly of the beast has its advantages. I got a week of paid time off between Christmas and New Years.
I've been working here at home.
I meant to post every day. But, I've been surprisingly busy.
What finally got me to stay up late and rant was started by Scooter Boy and followed up by a perusal of FaceBook.

My brother is in Indiana for Christmas and I'm keeping the store open.
Scooter Boy showed up yesterday and attempted to buy a $3.00 can of staring fluid with a credit card. I said, "Really?!!!"
I told him I couldn't find the credit card machine. I didn't want to be honest rude but I was not going to attempt to figure out how to run a credit card payment for a can of starting fluid.
He needed to get something started for the couple he sold his house to.
I asked him if he thought he still owed me money for hay. He said he had so much trauma in his life that he didn't remember if he paid for hay.
I can't find my receipt book so I guess I don't know either.
I gave him a nearly empty can of starting fluid that I had been saving to shoot with the .22 so I suppose the joke is on me.
He went off on the Russians hacking the election...

I think I can categorically state at this point in my life that I have complete and utter contempt for Democrats. There is no point in arguing with them. I've taken to just laughing and saying, "hey, you know I voted for Trump..."
He repeated what sounded to me like new talking points so I opened Facebook to check out what the shrill shills had to say.
Yes there are new talking points. Apparently they all read Politico every morning or maybe it is just telepathically beamed to them when they roll their first joint of the day.

If I can relate just a few points to perhaps clarify my stance. My wife and family discourages me from telling people they are stupid misguided on FaceBook.

The new word is that the Russians are hacking everything. I saw one comparison to the attack on Pearl Harbor. I did not comment with any bitter laughter. Not really a lot of sailors dying in pain while swimming in burning bunker crude with a Russian Phishing scheme (but upsetting nonetheless when it is that evil Demon (ex Democrat) Donald Trump) and a suspected find of code associated with Russian hackers on a laptop that might be connected to a Vermont Utility.
Look you dumbasses... Two things...
First, The reason Hillary was in trouble was that she her own server outside of gubment and storing classified info on her own computer. It was not considered secure. I want to say, "Look you IDIOTS, this is why she was NOT SUPPOSED TO DO IT."  Of course when you just go ahead and give up your password it doesn't matter how many layers of security you have.
Not to mention Weiner Boy...
Secondly, For years, conservative alarmists have been going on about the vulnerabilities to the US electrical grid. For years they have complained about the gubment's indifference to this problem.
Here is an article from this summer off of NewsMax.
Now that it might have happened it is Trump's fault. How do you not expect my to just flat out call you a moron?

And finally...
About the election hacking...
1. The USA and every other country in the world does what it can to influence politics in other countries to its best advantage. SO why wouldn't the Ruskies? AND, of course they have been doing it for years. It is probably why Obama got elected in the first place.
2. What about the information that was revealed and what about the early reports that the Republican's were not stupid enough to fall for a fake Google email requesting a password?
Also, In a side note: I think all the fighting and dirty tricks the Republican's were playing on each other probably came out in the primaries so I suppose I could add that to the Loony Liberal theory that Trump was picked by Putin preferably presumptuously.
3. This idea that the Russians have the goods on Trump and are going to blackmail him to do something. I'm not sure people's opinion on Trump could really go any lower. I'm not sure it matters. I fail to see what the long range goal would be. Perhaps not bombing Islamic nut jobs?
4. When I was a young liberal leaning fellow it was the CIA that was evil and the Russians were just misunderstood and really they were a more free and equal society the us. Not exploiting brown people in any way and never killing anyone who didn't really deserve it.
Last week the Russians became completely evil...
Eurasia has always been at war with Oceana..

The absolute proof that Liberalism is a Mental disorder can be seen with their incredibly ability to ignore years of their own ranting about dirty tricks general evilness of the CIA and count it as a major plus that Hillary was endorsed the CIA. It is amazing to point out what should be an utter conundrum and see the gears skip a fraction of a rotation before that programing they got way back in 1965 at University of Oregon with the purple Koolaid or whatever it was they ingested, kicks in and they happily and gladly exclaim, "Trump is a racist!"

I really don't need to point out that I think Trump is a complete moron and suspect he will do more harm that good and note that he is not Draining the Swamp, Throwing Hilary in Jail, or planning on following through on a lot of other BS, but that is not why I voted for him.
I voted for him just to see you squirm...

That is just wrong on so many levels-I suspect.

What is really disturbing to me is that there is no self awareness on the part of so called liberals.
I can accept the idea that George Bush set the stage for the turnkey police state with the Patriot act but Obama set it in stone by running on a ticket of hope and change and pretending to care about essential freedoms and then expanding censorship, right of due process, restriction of internet security, and the acceptance of the aforementioned Patriot act. And not only that, he continued the was in the Mid East with the upsetting of Egypt and Libia.
I know a few young people who were pretty angry about that and while I think they were misguided in thinking Bernie was going to fix it all, I do understand why they refused to vote for the big H.
But if I can hold George Bush responsible and I can be angry enough to never vote for a Bush again, then can't the libritards admit Obama sold them out and Hillary was his Judas?
It is back to another pint o special Democrat affirmation cocktail probably happily administered anally...

Now that I have this off my chest, perhaps I can go back to making polite conversation with people who should know better but refuse to think outside their chosen world view.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

Christmas marks the passing of a year for me much more than does New Year's Day or even my Birthday.
Things are now different...
Here is a sunset I took at the beginning of the Month.

Here is a sunset I took at the end of last week.

Hope you all have a happy Christmas.
I've been a bit remiss in my postings due to my schedule, my dying laptop, my Stupid Apple Phone, and laziness. Perhaps next year will be better.

Monday, December 19, 2016

You are what you eat

One of the fundamental principles of the delusional democrat is the belief in the "low information white voter."
This can be distilled down to if you are white and didn't get a four year degree and you work for a living you tend to be more conservative.
I have found this concept to be accurate for people of color that I meet as well but then I suspect I seek likeminded people. Or perhaps conservative people of color don't fit the consensually desired narrative and so are ignored.
Since the people who work for Slate and Politico have all been to college and know more than anyone else this is intrupted as conservatives are stupid and don't deserve an opinion.
The counter argument says that colleges present information from a liberal perspective.
After working in a college grounds department and being invisible for a year I would have to say to my fellow low info friends, 
You just have no idea the BS your hard earned dollar is buying for the re-education of your children.

And now I have to return to shoveling leaves in the snow. 
I leave you with a picture from warmer times/climes.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

I am not a mechanic

My wife had been complaining about the brakes on her pickup making noise.
I don't hear it.
I just gave up and pulled the rear wheels.
A wheel cylinder had failed.
This is not a difficult task. It is a 1998 Ford F150 and has brake shoes in the back and disks in the front'
We went to church this morning. There was a nice Christmas program. The daughter sang in the choir.
I am rather disappointed that there was not a brown paper bag full of unshelled peanuts, Christmas Candy, (with a couple chocolate dollars) and an Orange. A Christmas program is not complete without the brown paper bag of Christmas treats.
But, I digress...
After a sumptuous Sunday dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn I staggered out to work on the pickup.
It is kind of sad when there is so much crap in both shops that it was easier to do the brakes in the driveway in the snow.
It took me all afternoon and I only did one wheel.

I couldn't get the emergency brake mechanism to go together right. There is one little tab that was in the wrong spot.
And then, I didn't realize it was out of brake fluid and when I went to bleed the brakes I got air in the lines. It was dark and i was suffering from frustration.
That is what I get for working on Sunday.
In other news...
We went on vacation to San Diego.
It was nice.

Should have saved a little bit of money to fix the brakes on the pickup.
Perhaps I'll post more of my adventures.
I think I'll go read a book.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A day at work and a link to a news story that you won't think is funny

That's not funny...
I have found the liberal sense of humor to be quite amusing, but not so much in the way it was intended.
I find the total lack of self awareness kind of a hoot. For example, I am quite aware that I am a balding middle aged guy who for some reason can't pronounce words properly and occasionally farts in public.
I listen to both kinds of music, Country AND Western, have a blog, have a terrible bias (due to my whiteness) and think I'm a lot smarter than I really am.
This is all common knowledge but here is the little secret that I understand and occasionally have to admit... I'm not always right!
Here is a funny story, as a disclaimer I will admit that folks often don't find the same things as funny as I do but that is because they are low-brow knuckle draggers.

CLICK HERE        (I think it is funny the guy went to the local Friends school as well. I attended a college founded by Quakers)

Yesterday was a rough day at work.
We had a hearing test, it was cold, it was Friday, my building parter is quitting smoking.
The hearing test truck was stuck in traffic so everything was delayed.
We entertained ourselves by exclaiming "What?" as a response to every question. Then giggling hysterically. 
I swear it never gets old.
Then the two hispanic friends, lets call them Hose 1 and Hose 2, (in reference to another hilarious (non)  story from work that I told you last summer,) took off for coffee. 
They go to the cafeteria for free coffee nearly every morning in the winter. 
You see, we can't make noise before 9:20 because it wakes the children. 
Exclaiming, "They are paying $45,000 a year for their education, they better get their lazy bottoms out of bed in the morning," was met with a long lecture which I kind of missed as I have a short attention span and I started thinking about feed grinders after the first 30 seconds.

But, I digress...

Hoses 1 & 2 went for coffee and left the rest of us White folk standing around pretending like we couldn't hear each other and laughing.
The Safety lady decided to give us our hearing lecture before the test rather than after the test and Hoses 1 & 2 were "discovered" to be riding together on a quest for free coffee and a nice chat with the ladies that run the cafeteria.
Our supervisor gave them the standard lecture about budget shortfalls and the department needing to look busy because they might decide to cut us. Hose 1 was very offended. Hose 2 said funny things in Spanish. I denied ratting them out and hinted that I implied that they were riding together for other reasons (using my limited Spanish) which would be protected under the college's diversity and safe space policies. This was met with much mirth. Or at least I hope so because I just blurted it out without really thinking about what I had said.
After the lecture we waited in the cold for our test. Those of us in the grounds crew annoyed the rest of the facilities workers by saying "What?" to every statement and then laughing. "Oh, it never gets old!"
The test was in a mobile van. There were little compartments with earphone and a clicker. You were to press the clicker when you heard a tone.
The guy running the test said that people often asked "what?" when they came for the test and it was not a funny as the first time he had heard it.
I made a comment about the booths looking like restroom stalls. I had several clever comments occur to me whilst waiting in the booth for the tones. 
Like exclaiming, "There is no paper left in my stall," or "Hey, this one won't flush." I don't remember which one I actually said. People did laugh which was my plan. I hate the sober silence in group meetings.
I got the best hearing by just clicking anyway whether I heard anything or not. Well, that's not completely true. I hear lots of things in my head, not all of them are hearing test tones.

I had to take an early lunch as I was called on the manage a crew of volunteers clearing Ivy and Black berries from the creek area. My morning was kind of broken up anyway and my building mate had the pole saw. While waiting for him to return I experimented on the ill fitting hard hat by dropping things from the second story loft in our building. 
The large rock just bounced off, the brick left a mark. He returned as I was contemplating dropping a ten pound bag of sand. He wanted to see the brick and rock drop again so we tried it all again. 
The bag of sand caused the hat to fly across the room and hit him in the shin.
So he dropped the old hydraulic cylinder off the loader on it. 
That actually punched a hole in the helmet.
This was so amusing that he offered to help me trim the branches away from the lights in the parking lot. He does an excellent job with the trimmer. He actually is a qualified groundskeeper.

And now I suppose I should got to work at my former real job. I hear my hard working brother out loading a truck of hay already this morning.