Wednesday, November 9, 2016

And the Democrats give us Donald Trump for President

The whining and hand wringing, rivers of tears, you need waders and a raft in your favorite safe space.
But being a liberal seems to mean never being able to admit the person you choose as your dear leader is a criminal.
I plan on pointing out to a number of people that if they would have voted for the whacko most representing their beliefs in the primary and rejected Corpratist shill and criminal Hillary, Bernie Sanders might have been president. 
I voted against Hillary and it took a lot of prodding by democrats to get me to vote for Trump.
Of course now it will be four years of smarmy liberal bastards calling me a racist and a chronic misoganister and whiny progressives throwing temper tandrums in the streets...
I am not chronic, I don't have very much hair on my knuckles and my eyesight is fairly good.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, good point. I find it pretty amusing that kids at a Private College which has Tasting notes on the Thermos coffee in the dining room can rant about white privilege. But yet they do...

  2. Maybe in four years we will be able to vote for Trump with some confidence instead of dismay at the alternatives. Than again, maybe not.

    Grace and peace.

  3. You're right though about the Democrats giving us Donald Trump. It looks like Trump got about the same number of votes nationwide as Romney, maybe even a few less when they're all counted. But the Democratic vote is down 9% from 2012 and 14% from 2008.

    1. There is a lot of speculation on how this happened. I suppose the shrill folk will riot and demand the new world order. Perhaps this was the clever plan all along?

  4. I think you were screwed either way to be fair. Bernie would have been a better choice but it feels like the press decided on hilary.

    1. There were no choices. There were good sounding conservative candidates early on but they were ruined by the media. Things taken out of context or outright lies. Bernie is kind of nutcase. I had no one to vote for.

  5. Trump has been a named party in 4000 lawsuits and going to trial after Thanksgiving for fraud. Consumer prices and taxes would have skyrocketed under Sanders...and he accomplished nothing in 40 years in Congress. The logical choice would have been someone who can read, who listens to advice and knows which way to turn a wrench. Oddly enough I've just put in a new septic system.

    1. I should have put you in as a write in. Trump is just an 80's Democrat. The clever folks want a Bush or a Clinton. The radicals want to protest.

    2. Thank you. At 65 I consider myself too old and burned out to carry a nuclear football. All are self-promoting. Mr. Wall Deportation has already changed his name to Mr. Fence-NoWall No-Deportation and Sanders has announce he will go back to being an Independent. Personal honesty is 4" lake ice...pretty safe to walk on. Corporate and political lake is is 2" at best; you are going to get wet, cold and probably dead. The septic is in. Now I just need a furnace and the furnace guy has stopped answering me. Oh, well.


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