Monday, May 16, 2016

My week in review and no rant to cap it off but I explain alternating current

No rant as I'm going to church with all the other horrible Christians who are probably thinking of oppressing someone tight now...

Last weekend we decided to cut hay and so we pulled the baler out of the shed. I have no photos of the hay. It was mostly nice hay.
Note, the baler is worth more than the IH 656 Hydro. The hydro is worn out and has no power but it will pull the baler. It is the only tractor we have that will go slow enough for a double windrow of good hay.

I sniped and won an auction. It was unexpected. I bought another pair of Tandberg Fasett speakers. These are white. The auction description said they had an annoying buzz and were to be considered for parts. The Fasett's I got from Muddy Valley have been through a fire and the plastic housing is somewhat melted. I did apply heat and persuasion and got them back together but I thought I would combine the two pairs and have one good pair.

When the speakers arrived I quickly spotted the problem. There was a knot on one wire on each speaker. Everyone knows electricity gets confused when there is a knot in the cord. In this case one knot in one wire of a two wire cord would of course change direct current into alternating current as the electrons would become disorientated going through the knot and would wander around aimlessly. This is the definition of alternating current (in layman's terms).
After removing the knot I connected the speakers and there was no buzz. Another eBay success story! Here is a photo of my wall of not-very-good-sound.

Here is a photo of garbage from the flowerbeds. I hope there is no connection between the wreath of flowers and the morning after pill...

Here is a pile of wood chips that we shoveled by hand. They had to be moved 100ft. No one has ever heard of a tractor loader at work... It all pays the same. Whatever....

Here is a photo of the hayfield after the rain. Had five acres to go but the grass did not cure. It is wet now. We do have a semi-truck load of beautiful hay. Some of it is a little warm but it will cool down and be awesome hay.

Here is a really offensive meme that showed up in my Facebook feed. Perhaps it caught me at a bad time. I commented.

It was suggested by several family members that I no longer comment on Facebook as I seem to be overly negative. This stems from telling someone to stop smoking dope and get a job. I would like to congratulate him after he followed my advice and got two jobs and share the fact that my back also hurts like heck most of the time as well and has hurt like heck for the past decade but I suppose I better leave it alone.
And now I'm going to church and will probably be judge mental cause that's what us Christians do.


  1. Everyone is an _sshole once in a while. Never pass when it's your turn. It makes you feel cheated. That's experience speaking here.

    1. I don't know. There is no point in arguing. People have their minds made up way before they take to Facebook...

  2. I'm pretty sure that adding another knot would convert the AC back into DC. Solutions like this are knot always obvious.

    1. I suppose I ought knot jump to conclusions but would three knots make it three phase power?

  3. Facebook is bizarre, I am NOT on it after my neice came to me in tears saying someone on her facebook page was mean to her....argh! Simple truth is not what people want to hear is it?


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