Sunday, April 17, 2016

I hate working on Sunday.

Sunday's of always been my day of refuge. Well I have been known to skip church, The day is usually devoted to something having to do with my family.
Now I am literally working two jobs. So there is always something to do on Sunday afternoon. Today I am no telling to Roosevelt's and one row of fescue.
This morning I took my daughter to church. It was a good message but I got distracted by the pastor's sermon illustration of Natives in the frozen north killing a wolf by dipping a knife in blood and letting it freeze.
The woof Licks the frozen blood covered knife, cuts tongue, can't feel it is cut because it is so cold and he bleeds to death.
I suspect this is a story. Hey cursory Internet search shows this is currently a popular sermon illustration. 
I have no idea what it was illustrating, because I kept wondering about the BS story.
So I am now planting and blogging using speech to text with my iPhone. I have no idea what I'm saying.
I hope you are having a better Sunday than I.


  1. Sundays are kind of a bore here, now that we've given up on church.

  2. You are making me feel like a lazy farmer here. It is a beautiful Sunday and I'm playing with old rusty cars again. One of these days the fields will dry up and I'll have to work...

  3. I planted potatoes, bottled honey until I thought I'd lost my mind and then transplanted four seven foot white spruce trees. Sitting on a hard pew. pondering meaning would have been a reprieve. I've not blogged using voice to text being old-fashioned and QWERTY dependent, and all.

  4. When I got home Sunday my wife asked me to tell her what the sermon was in two sentences.

    God is holy.

    We are to be holy.

    No wolves but we did hear about walking three dogs and one being scared of noises.

    Grace and peace.

  5. With a sermon like that, I would have walked out of church. Kind of disgusting.


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