Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Shark wrestling

Sunday evening the shark fishing kids returned to the Dream Inn parking lot and beach. They caught several good sized sharks.
All afternoon there were fishing boats close to the beach. At one time there were close to 20 small boats.
The fellow painting trim said mullet were schooling. A former "trash" fish is now a delacacy for Asians.
One of the boats pulled close to shore and tossed a couple to the shark kids. That is what they used to catch the sharks.
We also saw four dolphins cruising by. The kids said they were chasing the shark.
A regular at the hotel said the dolphins are regulars at that beach.
At 3 am guests started to arrive. Guests will full bladders who liked to yell.
The Dream Inn has no insulation in the walls. If it is cold enough to turn off the a/c you can hear ever fart and tinkle in whole hotel!


  1. The point of the last photo is that the bottom arrow on the sign points to Canada.

  2. That should be a big help in directing Ralph down to your beach-side paradise, should he want a break from the snow.

  3. " If it is cold enough to turn off the a/c you can hear ever fart and tinkle in whole hotel!"

    Did you apologize to the other folks?

  4. I'm still trying to grasp the idea that there are places in the world that need air conditioning in January. Sun is shining outdoors hereand it is a nice comfortable 70 degrees in the house with the furnace running. I'm content where I am.


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