Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I sort of forgot about Christmas

It is rapidly approaching.
There is of course no Christmas program in the Public Schools. You sure wouldn't want the kiddies to learn to appreciate 2,000 years of a tradition that has pretty much evolved into being nice to other people, singing Silent Night in German, and the High School band playing Jingle Bell Rock.
If you don't believe in it then why does it matter?
I have to listen to you blather on about the Big Bang so why can't you listen to the middle school choir butcher "Away in a Manger" once a year.
But I digress....
Perhaps I'm just grumpy.
Here is Christmas at the Farm.
An LED Christmas Tree in the office.

AND the Goats have uncovered Alfred's house.
Apparently Alfred was a bachelor uncle who lived some twenty miles away from the farm.
Legend has it that when Alfred got to old to take care of himself, Grandpa and Uncle Milton simply took a truck to his house. Winched the house on the truck and brought Alfred and his house to the farm to live.
His house is not in the best of shape. The goats seem to enjoy it however.


  1. I assume that Alfred had no will, so the house sits unclaimed.

    1. It is not that great a house. Uncle Alfred story happened in the 1940s.

  2. No Christmas programs in public schools? Wow, I have been behind the times. Seems no time since I used to go and video tape the nephews in the school Christmas program every year. And you can bet Santa Claus showed up at the end of the show every time. Merry Christmas to all!

    1. We are too close to Portland in the land of hazelnuts and wine. Wine attracts those people whose bottoms pucker at the thought of anything but bicycles and buggery. (Not that there is anything wrong with it)

  3. the Christmas tree is cleverly set up to light the way to the health food items next to it on the table.
    deb h.

  4. We got a new principal this year who said "the hell with political correctness, we're having a Christmas program!"

    I like her. Wonder how long she will last.


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