Sunday, September 14, 2014

I had a post which I then removed and now I replace it with meaningless drivel. Have a nice day...

I thought it was kind of funny but perhaps it sounded just a bit on the bitter side. If you want to know what it was then you could email me.
Some folks stopped by for a visit right about time to get ready for Church. Had a nice visit.
I'd post some photos of my daily life on the farm but when I backed up my phone I lost my photos. I don't mean that they are deleted. I used GraphicConverter to download them into a folder which I accidently put into the wrong folder (not the photo's folder) and I screwed up the name of the folder and now I can't find them and then I had the delete photos upon download button clicked and I now have no photos in my phone to post.
Since it is Sunday I will post some inspirational music.

My favorite Gospel Artist
Probably Orin's favorite singers,
And to be all inclusive:

And For the Die Hard Fans....


  1. Your recent post of Joan Jett (and your daughter) caused me to overindulge on Ms. Jett which moved me to John Fogerty. We had an early frost in MN which will reduce the soybean yield by up to 30% and the corn crop by 8%. On my list today was to ride around on my Ford 8N which I've not started in a year due to life issues, but there were more life issues so I listened to Joan Jett during my 100 mile return trip.

  2. I think it is pretty funny when people over 40 "rock out."


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