Sunday, August 17, 2014

You are not an addict till you try to quit

We lost electricity this morning and had to fire up the generator.

For coffee...


  1. Where do you suppose you left it?

    1. It would seem I left it in the back of my pickup.

  2. I like your priorities! The inverted 2,4-D drum is a nice touch as well.......or was it that deadly evil glyphosate?We have a different power company for the house than the shop and warehouse are on, so more than once I've had to go out to the shop to make the morning brew.

    1. The kids and I were just having a discussion about people who take "selfies" in the bathroom or the fun in seeing what is in the background of photos... Funny to have it happen to myself!
      Terrible to be without hot coffee!

  3. We use a propane range here. Power goes out all the time, especially in winter. I do have a diesel generator but it makes so much noise I hate to fire it up unless it's a real emergency.

    1. Harry, thanks for the comment. I've been looking at your posts on Google plus. I find Google Plus sort of hard to deal with. In the last few years our power has been very reliable. I have a generator just in case. We thought it was kind of funny to start up the generator to brew coffee.

  4. Friends and I once found ourselves banjoed and fiddled into a place where the only way forward was to grind dark roast Sumatra beans with a pair of pliers. Otherwise we had a pot, water, fire and some really great hours of sleep deprivation.


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