Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reason number 8 why I hate wineries, (well perhaps I'm only mildly annoyed by them)

I wish MuddyValley would have titled his post, "Why I hate wineries," but I will just go ahead and do that myself.
I have wondered if the growth of this so-called "wine culture," in areas like ours is cause or a symptom. Bigger farms, less jobs, government regulations on the timber industry, less jobs, no industrial base, no small stores, no small businesses, everybody is broke, and then the wine industry comes to town.
The wine industry is based on BS, just like the organic food industry. People buy it for the image and pretend it is for the taste.
Anyway, Muddyvalley starts out by talking about elk but gets into one of my favorite gripes. It is a good read.
I have nothing to post about myself. Stacked hay in the rain for my neighbor. My baler broke down. The guy whose hay I'm supposed to be baling is going to be angry cause it is raining. I react poorly to being chastened. I will loose another customer...

The good life: deer, elk, and fences: In an interesting article from the AP, we learn that : " Deer still balk at crossing the border with Germany even though the physica...


  1. Cause, symptom? Dunno. Looks to me like vultures on the carcass.

  2. I wrote a thoughtful, supportive but yet depressing comment. Unfortunately my celebrated Samsung Chromebook seems to have a faulty keyboard and I deleted my thoughtful comment and now only have this pointless one.


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