Friday, May 16, 2014

Yesterday many things went wrong but we soldiered on...

We are chopping clover silage for our neighbors.
We have to drive down a long gravel driveway past some very odd and annoying people. The people whose house is five feet from the road wave at every truck. The people who live 200 feet from the road got angry. Sort of a road rage incident.
Plus, bearings went out... Got the wrong bearing, KRRB103-2 and I got a KRRB103- random number which was wrong. About 20 minutes of road time later and 1/16" difference.
Took a long time to put it back together.
Fuel tank leak. Used a tooth pick jammed in the microscopic hole to slow it down.
Planted 6 acres of flax, cleaned out the drill, charged the A/C on other 2-155, chopped 13 loads of silage. Kind of a lot of nothing.
Here is the PTO bearing, the oil seal popped out. We didn't have a spare bearing. I packed it full of grease and popped the seal back in.

Here is the bearing that failed had to weld around the inside of the race to get come out of the housing.


  1. Your mistake was getting out of bed.

  2. that is a lot of strive. soldier on, friend, soldier on. i sat around and watched tv all day. it was great. i love a nice rain day. yay sloth!

  3. Some day, probably when it rains, I am going to make a list of the things that went wrong in my small time farm operation this week. But it isn't over yet and its not raining either.


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