Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cocoa Beach New Year's Eve

We cut across Florida to St. Augustine and then took highway 1A1 down the coast to Cocoa Beach. Lulu got her first sight of the Atlantic ocean. It was a little chilly.
It is kind of a amazing to drive for miles along the beach with old life oaks and palms and pine trees on one side and condos on the other. I would have like to have seen it 40 years ago.

We are at the Best Western at Cocoa Beach. We are with our friends from Oregon. (See the previous post) The internet service is pretty bad.
I think we are going to BBQ in the back yard. The plan was to hang out on our balcony and watch fireworks but we don't have quite the view as described by Orbitz. Nor are our rooms quite as close as we thought.
Also, Duck Dynasty should boycott Cracker Barrel because Cracker Barrel is kind of nasty. "Cheeze" grits and turnip greens don't really turn a Denny's into soul food. Although antiques on wall always makes it feel like home.
Anyway, got to get the daughter to the beach! Happy Nude Year!!!
Saw a pelican.


  1. No "nude year" for me, thank you; it's supposed to get down to 13 degrees here tonight. Enjoy the beach!

  2. We will probably be pretty close to -30F by the time the new year rolls in. Long way from Florida.

  3. 46*F here today. My bees somehow have survived the cold, and a few took a short break in the current heat wave & stretched their wings.

  4. Ralph's got us all beat. We in Iowa heading for a balmy +7 F sometime during the overnight. Going out now to set up the fire, tradition here is to grill walleye fillets outdoors new year's eve no matter what the wind or drifts. Imagine you down there drawing corn in the sand with your bare toes.

  5. Wow!! This is nice about, plan was to hang out on our balcony and watch fireworks but we don't have quite the view as described by Orbitz. Enjoy the beach! Hapy New Year!!!

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