Thursday, November 7, 2013

True Art is in the eye of the Beholder?

I hate rain, but yet I live in Oregon.
My brother is out working. I can hear things clunking and banging.
I'm in the house in the dark looking up Art's-Way mixer/grinders and listening to British Ska and drinking about five gallons of coffee.
I'm supposed to be making feed for my neighbor but I ran out of barley.
The barley is at another neighbor's warehouse ten miles away. We have no trucks that are currently 1. Roadworthy (although that never stops us) 2. Licensed (cause the State of Oregon violates you on license fees)
And it is raining.
I would borrow the tow behind fertilizer box from the place where Orin is a board member but since we kept the spreader all summer and fall and were too lazy to put the tarp over it, I do not want to be the one to take it back. And I don't have the nerve to ask to borrow another one.
Eventually someone is going to come knock on the door.
Perhaps I shall brave the rain and venture out into the mudhole that is our farm...

In my mind's eye I am 22 and riding this...

I have license for it...
All it needs is a new helmet, new tyres, the correct fender, the sump under the crank cleaned out, new points, the zenier diode repaired or a large capacitor fitted instead of the battery that never stays charged, new tail light lens installed, new turn signal lens installed (I have the lenses). I should rebuild the forks and buy new shocks but I won't get that done. Needs a good once over with semi-chrome polish or Mother's Mag Wheel polish.
But I also have a whole list of farm projects to do...
And a Studebaker cruiser that is rusting in my driveway. Just needs an oil change, a little work on the brakes, the battery is dead, and a transmission oil change.
That is it... And it has been setting for a year....

So here are some videos, I think the first one is of Kev and his mates out on the town... After a while they run into the hippo on the lawn guy who say they are "good lads" and mayhem follows...

Not to mention
And that whole train of thought was started by an email from British Only that was advertising calendars which is about the only thing they have left, after a decade of closeout sales...

Also, here is how to make Rum if you are interested. CLICK HERE


  1. I still have my MC endorsement on my license. Haven't needed it in over 30 years. At this stage of the game I think I'd choose the Studebaker.

  2. I can see that you've got a couple of repairs lined up for your motorcycle. With a few touches, I'm pretty sure this will be good as new and ready to go. I do hope you'll finish it as soon as possible so that you can enjoy more road trips soon.

    Randee Colton @

  3. Maybe ten years ago I would have gone out like that (or thirty years ago to be just like that but then I'd only just have been born). Now if I told my wife I was going out I'd drive round the corner, park up, crawl into the back of my van and go to sleep!
    I love how you guys think it is in the UK! Probably get stabbed if you tried that on the tube now...

    1. In 1984 my brother and I took backpacks and road trains around Europe. We also rented a 2CV in London and drove to the Yorkshire dales.
      I now imagine everything to be exactly in that one point in 1984 when we were wandering around London looking for good fish and chips on a Sunday afternoon...
      It could be that the world has changed from 1984 when a blue American passport and a little politeness would get you anywhere...

    2. Might have a bit... I'd keep quite, don;t let on your an American, don;t make eye contact and keep walking!
      Most places are still alright really I'm just a negative old soul! Next time you come over your have to pop up to the malvern hills and we can drink cider

  4. I remember one of my professors of agricultural engineering at Ohio State talking about the invention of the Art's Way mixer. I can't remember if he worked for him or helped design it but he always spoke highly of Art.


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