Thursday, July 25, 2013

I hate alfalfa

I'm sure you are all waiting for more no-till corn pictures. It is not growing as well as I think it should and I have no photos.
Just finished baling 8 acres of alfalfa.
Not a large amount but a pain in the bottom just the same. Had to wait till after dark for the moisture to come up. Otherwise it was knocking the leaves off. 95 degrees during the day and the stuff still won't dry. Could be the rain-like dew at night.
I bought a really nice used baler to make small bales for horse ladies.
It works really well. The bales are 14" x 18" x 46" long. I can pick them up with the automatic balewagon and make a nice stack you can load on a truck. 72 to 80 bales in a block depending on the stacking pattern I use.
Here is a photo of the new baler.


  1. all that lovely alfalfa - just beautiful!

  2. Nice looking baler. A New Holland "Hay in a day" machine I'm assuming.

  3. I used to give my rabbits a bit now and then. One little bale lasted a long time!

  4. Kind of new looking isn't it? I think this one will still be running strong for years without needing repairs! Feels good I bet.


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