Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday and drizzle, another day in paradise...

I am sitting in the kitchen eating my sandwich and watching it not really rain.
One of those days...
This morning I delivered chicken feed bright and early. I don't really do deliveries and I don't know why I deliver to this person, other than her son used to work for me.
She lives on a steep hillside.
I generally park uphill, open the tailgate, and let the barrels roll downhill till they hit her chicken house. I knew it would one day happen and it did.
A lid popped off... 250lbs of chicken feed is a big pile.
I came home and discussed corn fertilizer, bourbon, the new alcohol limit in Oregon (the wine state) which will get you a DUI for being within ten foot of a bottle of booze, and credit card points that will get you a free trip to Hawaii with the duck hunter landlord.
I had to take my daughter her baseball shoes.
I got in the pickup and wondered how we could go to Crescent Lake and back on half a tank of gas but now it was empty in the driveway.
I backed into the trash can.
Not all the trash was in bags.
I got a scoop shovel and my pickup.
I left with the shoes.
My helper had to call me to discuss what fertilizer to get and how to get it and how many pounds and if the liquid tank would fit on the truck with two dry boxes.
I was driving and my calculator is in my phone.
He accused me of being grumpy.
I went to my cousins house to get a regulator valve for the corn planter that I do not have time to install. Then he said he had a part for my disk and we spent an hour taking it apart. Then I found the quick hitch that I forgot at his house this winter.
I should have taken him up on his offer of a spicy dog with no bun and watched Hawaii Five-O which is on a noon. But the offer of a spicy dog with no bun was sort of disturbing after thinking about the Doctor in a Dress Kilt and I declined.
I arrived home to see the liquid tank had been removed from the truck so I assume a decision had been made without me.
I attempted to make coffee for lunch and dumped the coffee filter all over the floor.
The truck arrived home. It has two big boxes with no room for the liquid tank.
It is raining and we can't spread fertilizer anyway.
Perhaps I will go back to work...
I think my helper is setting at the coffee table waiting for me.
Yesterday MuddyValley came over and helped me wire a plug to convert a round Radar plug to a micro-trak connector. This saved me $90 although Sensor 1 really needs the money I'm sure.
This morning I stopped at TJ's market to get a burrito and saw that Travel Oregon will be filming in Willamina.  This is funny. It is not a bad town, in fact it has a kind of cool old downtown. But why would you go there? There is Coyote Joe's, and Galloping Gertie (an old trolly) and the Dr. (who thinks he is Scottish and wears a dress kilt. I can't go there anymore after thinking of the joke with the punchline, "I don't know where ye been me lad, but I see ye one first prize," during a visit and having to claim I was instantly healed so I would not start laughing.)
But, I digress. I'm sure it will be a great show. Perhaps they can talk about all the really good paying tourism jobs that have replaced those nasty timber jobs of days gone by, which is also why Willamina is a town of days gone by...
In other news someone has found me and linked on Facebook. This got me a whopping nine (9) hits yesterday. So I'm well on the way to celebrity status!


  1. re: "I don't know where ye been me lad, but I see ye one first prize,"

    thats the only thing i could think of also - i dont think i could be his patient either. hell. i wont even wear a dress.

    wait, are you on 'the facebook'? or someone is passing one of your posts around?

    1. I am on facebook but do very little with it.
      The post about the local school board race was linked so I've been discovered locally again.
      I see I spelled won, "one." Oops.

  2. That's a tale best told over just enough single malt to make the accent believable. Too bad it followed ye intay ye doctairs office, laddie.

  3. Google tells me it was an old Scottish folk song, not simply a joke.

    Probably best played with bagpipes and single malt with peat and oak overtones.


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