Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Random thoughts to keep my blog active...

Sometimes I have nothing to say...
Went to the fabulous beach estate of Collieguy and girl. Had a very nice time. I understand why he gave me that to-go coffee cup.
I do not understand the problem with the dog licking the floor. Seems like an excellent idea for keeping the floor clean. Perhaps training to improve the pattern would be an advantage. Wonder if the floor tasted like bacon, or dead nutria, or perhaps gopher. Perhaps the flooring was actually gopherwood. Who knows? If only we could talk to dogs.
Am almost done baling straw.
Was attempting to pay neighbor for screenings but at some point spilled coffee on my sales book so I have to go back and look at the scale tickets for the fifth time. I never claimed to be a businessman. 
Have to make the transition from baling to working ground and making silage and no-tilling for half the neighborhood (hopefully!)
I would like to dedicate the following song to all those lonely female high school teachers out there but with this one caution, make the kid sign a confidentiality agreement first!


  1. Clever fellows, engineers. You'd think they could make a click valve that worked.
    You can see in their eyes that dogs wish we could talk to them. They have the answers. Why don't humans just get it?! Makes you want to go lick the floor.

  2. And yes, very pleasant evening out on the edge of Orygun. Appreciate your breaking away from all the mayhem and lazy farmering.

    1. Tell the lovely and gracious colliegirl that granola has replaced Snickers bars in my diet. Only downside is that I have an irrepressible urge to wear sandals and short pants. Perhaps that is not a bad thing...

    2. There's one USDA food group in which granola is no match for the Snickers bar; Can be fished out of the bottom of a tractor toolbox a year later.

  3. Like the song. Wish I had a few teachers like that at school!

    1. Teacher student love is a strange trend in the USA. The teacher risks everything for a fling with a 17 year old boy? I don't completely understand.
      Mostly I do NOT understand why the little punk admits anything. Talk about biting the hand that fed you!

  4. Wish I could have come. My dog licks the floor of the Willys MB jeep when I start it. She sits head down expectantly a couple of inches from the floor waiting. I even repainted it in case I had spilled herbicide or something down there that she for some reason likes the taste of. Seems she just likes to lick it when it starts. Dogs know something we don't!

  5. The depressing thing about that song is that I remember it from when it was new. That makes me old :-(

    1. Ralpy, I've realized such things as of late. Things I thought were nearly new (like White 185 tractors) are now considered quite old.


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