Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Should I buy this album?

Have been reading about Roland Kirk. Should I buy this album on eBay? I have yet to see anything like this at the local GoodWill. Anyone listen to him who reads this blog?


  1. The man's name is Rashaan Roland Kirk. I have had the pleasure of listening to him play live and being introduced to him by my mom.

    Rashaan is a jazz legend. He is known for being able to play two saxophones at the same time and doing that feat extremely well. He was blind and that made this particular skill even more fascinating to watch. He was a very mystical individual in my opinion.

    If you have never heard Rashaan Roland play, check him out on You Tube. He is listed on Wikipedia and has quite a nice collection of music to select from.

    I hope this helps you out!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. That is pretty neat to meet someone like that. What was he like?
      Have been doing a little research, would like to expand my jazz tastes and get away from the Philistine music I usually listen to.
      I was pretty impressed by the dual sax technique. He also plays flute which I think is also pretty cool. Of course i am a few years late on my discovery...
      I find more Jazz albums coming through the thrift stores and Goodwill, especially when I was at the Seattle, WA Goodwill and I need to make a list of names and albums to look for.
      I almost never pay more than $2 for an album so actually thinking of purchasing a non-thrift store album is a big deal for me!


Tell me what you think