Sunday, January 1, 2012

They say what you do on Jan 1st makes a statement about the rest of the year...

But, then again "They" say a lot of things. Perhaps is a good think I have moved from violating the pooch to violating vintage stereo equipment. Perhaps 2012 will be a banner year at Shepherd Farms!
I have been enjoying my slightly violated Rek-O-Kut and drinking huge amounts of coffee.
I wanted to hook it up to the good stereo in the "den" but I need a certain amount of space to balance the turntable level on the floor. I'm using old books that I grabbed at random out of the bookshelf. Including a vintage "Florida Days," a hardcover first edition of "The Postman Always Rings Twice," "Grass, an Anthology of Agriculture, 1948," a biography of President Garfield, "Diseases of the Horse," (1920?), and "Gunny, Mostly a true Story," an autobiography by a local WWII hereo.
I found "Through the Five Republics on Horse Back" by C.W. Ray. A book I've been looking for, so I took it out of the turntable support system.  I had a better version that I actually sold on eBay some years ago.
It is interesting view of the world from 1926 and is autographed by the author. Alas it is a bit worse for wear and tear.

I find it a bit hard to concentrate on a book after five cups of coffee.
I'm listening to the Kinks. I started out with "Village Green Preservation Society," and have moved on to "Chronicles."
Actually, I started with the Beach Boys, "Endless Summer," and a collection of Stephen Foster Songs I found in the Goodwill pile. I paid wife and daughter to organize my record collection. I had forgotten I owned the Roxy Music album with the topless girls and anything by The Jesus and Mary --- Chain or Courtney Love "----" Hole. I think a couple records will go on Ebay. My daughter was a bit offended. I don't even like the albums. I just acquired them along the way.
But I digress,
The Rek-O-Kut sounds ok. I have it hooked up to my Optimus SA-155 which is now part of our new entertainment center which is a LCD TV nailed to the wall, a Wii, and a Wallmart special DVD player, and my old Baby Advents. The Advents sound good hooked to something overly bright like a modern DVD player but sound quite muddy playing analogue music off a turntable. So, I strung about five patch cables and several adapters of dubious audio quality all together and hooked it up to my old Kenwood KA3500 and the new to me Dynaco speakers with the sparkly grills. Not much on the stereo imaging and it is kind of giving me a headache but then I just listened to swing versions of Stephen Foster songs, the Beach Boys, and Village Green Preservation society four times. That is probably enough to make you a bit daft...
My listening and reading schedule for today...
Muddy Valley is breaking my heart. First he sold the truck I've lusted after since I was 16 and now I find out the massive speaker system I wanted is actually worth money. Not to mention the Rek-O-Kut he gave me is also worth money to collectors. I suppose I should give it all back. I have visions of the Lansing speaker system sitting in my living room hooked to my vintage scott tube amp with that pink Legendary Stardust cowboy spinning on the Rek-O-Kut.
Alas, it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
Sorry for the long post, I guess it filtered out all the ADHD subscribers.
For those drawn here by a search for repairing your Rek-o-Kut with a torch and 12" Crescent, I will have a shorter post with details on changing the oil and freeing up the drive bearing. I also found links for a new belt and plinth building. We shall see if I can stay focused.


  1. Well, I see you've made progress. I didn't realize that you were a collector. Which is a good thing because we often forget that there is a lot of value in recycling items.

    I am friends with all coffee drinkers unless they insist on declaring Starbucks as a legitimate form of this particular beverage. I sincerely believe that the coffee bean in a member of a major food group.

    Enjoy your music.

  2. What is this Starbuck you speak of? I thought he went down with the Pequod

  3. Sorry about the truck. I had no idea you wanted such a large white elephant to throw money at. I know where there is a GTO sitting out in the rain rusting away that would be a much better target. Likewise the speaker cabinet.
    I will try to pick up an old Dynakit preamp and maybe a Bogan tuner that I know are gathering dust in a basement as a consolation prize. (the amp I hear got tossed) These still work. Promise not to defile them with the LSC.
    MSLADY: Starbucks should be re named Charbucks for their stale and burned beans. I roast my own coffee on the BBQ grill and get a far far better roast than they do.

  4. Msladydeb-I drink too much coffee mostly black and I think using the term collector is less descriptive than accumulator. Most of it is interesting but not particularly valuable. I get interested in something and have to have more than one.

    G706- I quote, "...every day when Ahab, coming from his cabin, cast his eyes aloft, the vigilant helmsman would ostentatiously handle his spokes..."—Moby-Dick, Ch. 118

    Muddy-The truck went to a better place. I have reached the point where I cannot bring more non-running items home. Soon I will reach that point in the house. But, I am excited about the preamp. I am going to have to buy a vari-ac.

  5. Msladyd--among my road treasures is a bumper sticker I picked up at a small coffee shop in Sheridan WY "Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks". Haven't decided which banjo case to afix it to.

    Budde--next version of Warper should be field recordings definitely including cuts from fire pit birthday/Strumpet office party. Gotta include some rhythm from a pre war crank start JDA under load. LP when you score that vinyl cutter.
    So, what sort of truck did you lust after in your feckless youth that wasn't a Studebaker?

  6. Collieguy, Marmon-Harrington 4wd dumptruck with flathead V-8 of 40's vintage. I cannot ruin another vintage vehicle!

  7. Great start to the New Year here feeding and entertaining my family and best friends. On the turntable front: I was donated a working (noname) turntable and was able to play an ancient 78 rpm record so I could digitize it on the computer. My 1940s vintage RCA radio record player combo is not up such high speeds anymore and will only play 45s and 33 rpm records. Budde, I like the term "accumulator" and have used it here a time or two.

  8. Whew! I was afraid Muddy V. had sold the IH pickup I've heard so much about.

    All this turntable talk makes me want to get mine out. Had to put it away when the son turned 1-1/2...sad story!


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