Sunday, January 29, 2012

There are no Atheists in the Foxholes revisited

I am a horrible fisherman. I have no patience. I never know when I am about to get a bite. I usually screw up when setting the hook.
Sooo... when I have a success, no matter how puny I like to celebrate.
I caught a fish. (read the comments or read the cut and paste quote below)  I shouldn't post this as I may catch more. But, I'm bored with the whole thing and may go back and change the title to remove it from the search ranking.
I know it is pathetic to troll but on the other hand what is even more pathetic than trolling is actually spending time doing a google search for "There are no Atheists In Foxholes," so that you can show people how superior your enlightened Atheist Religion to fools who believe in silly myths, and yes people do that.
I give you just such a fellow and his insightful post which in no way goes down the list of Atheist talking points.

Doug IndeapJan 29, 2012 02:32 PM
"Why you would direct your ire at someone like Jessica Ahlquist who seeks to uphold the Constitution, rather than those flouting it is not apparent. It is important to distinguish between "individual" and "government" speech about religion. The First Amendment's "free exercise" clause assures that each individual is free to exercise and express his or her religious views--publicly as well as privately. The Amendment constrains only the government not to promote or otherwise take steps toward establishment of religion. As government can only act through the individuals comprising its ranks, when those individuals are performing their official duties (e.g., public school teachers instructing students in class and principals hanging banners in schools), they effectively are the government and thus should conduct themselves in accordance with the First Amendment's constraints on government. When acting in their individual capacities, they are free to exercise their religions as they please. If their right to free exercise of religion extended even to their discharge of their official responsibilities, however, the First Amendment constraints on government establishment of religion would be eviscerated. While figuring out whether someone is speaking for the government in any particular circumstance may sometimes be difficult, making the distinction is critical.

A word should be added about the common canard that this is all about people easily offended. We’re not talking about the freedom of individuals to say or do something others find offensive. We’re talking about the government weighing in to promote religion. Under our Constitution, our government has no business doing that--REGARDLESS of whether anyone is offended. While this is primarily a constitutional point, it is one that conservatives--small government conservatives--should appreciate from a political standpoint as well. While the First Amendment thus constrains government from promoting (or opposing) religion without regard to whether anyone is offended, a court may address the issue only in a suit by someone with "standing" (sufficient personal stake in a matter) to bring suit; in order to show such standing, a litigant may allege he is offended or otherwise harmed by the government's failure to follow the law; the question whether someone has standing to sue is entirely separate from the question whether the government has violated the Constitution.

Oh, and yeah, there actually are atheists in foxholes. Indeed, the horrors of battle lead some to and some away from belief in god(s). But then, that has nothing to do with separation of government and religion."
I am a little sad that Doug Indeap does not have a blog but it was nice of him to care enough to comment.
Now you may ask the difference between my rants in defense of mythology and his rants in defense of stupid high school girls who think they have invented truth and have a cause, I will answer that.
I know I am full of crap half the time and I don't do Google searches for phrases like, "farmers are stupid arseholes," and "dynaco amplifiers sound like crap," and then post impassioned defenses of my little pet ideals.


  1. I just did a search for "dynaco amplifiers sound like crap" and "The lazy Farmer" URL popped up with numbers one and two right at the top of the list.
    That just goes to show something or other.

  2. I had to do it. A search for Atheists In Foxholes gets me this:

    Seems there is actually a monument to them somewhere. Which is really kind of like a tombstone, which is kind of funny.

  3. Muddy, The atheists-in-foxholes folks are pretty serious. Seems as though they feel a bit put down. There really are people who search for the phrase and that is why I used it in the title of the post. It was a cheap shot. I don't really care much about the issue I just wanted to see if I got a hit.
    I suppose now the pro dynaco folks will now comment. The PAS-2 is sounding really good and so is the 120 amp.

  4. Used to farrow on a hill east of the river. Alfalfa, seldom tilled. There was a fox hole about a rod from the line fence for several years. Nothing in that one but a fox. I never interviewed him on theological issues.

  5. central oregon grownJanuary 30, 2012 at 2:04 AM

    I read our blog as often as I can, and think of
    my father who passed away 13 years ago, a farmer
    and a man of many thoughts and how he would have loved to blog. But me, I just think about day to day survival(I am a widow)and raising my son to be a good strong, kind, loving individual who someday will
    be a good husband and father. Because I don't think about of all the issue you blog and think about, am I a bad mother?

  6. Central Oregon GrownJanuary 30, 2012 at 2:05 AM

    Sorry it is 2AM and I not good at typing...
    Should say I read YOUR blog.

  7. Collieguy, well I must forgive you for not engaging the fox in a theological discussion. He was most likely a sly fellow mostly concerned with henhouses and low-hanging grapes. He could have been an animist.

    Central Oregon, I'm not sure it is healthy to spend much time thinking about the things I blog about. You have to admit that when you result to atheist baiting for entertainment you are pretty pathetic. However, raising a son to be a good person in this culture, is in fact a full-time job. This blog is a way to relieve some of the stress in my life. We do what we can...

  8. If God made them Atheists, who are we to want to change them?


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