Monday, September 12, 2011

Young women with poor judgement and traffic congestion at the Elementary School and unintended consequences

I should be working...
I have hay to rake, ground to work, planting to do, straw to bale. Instead I am setting in the bathroom blogging. Something is wrong here. I don't think the more ambitious farmers in the neighborhood do this...
I took my daughter to school. She is enrolled in the public school this year. I hate public school. I hate the petty institutional mind-control socialization BS, I hate the crowds of people, (which says more about me than the school, this is Amity, the so-called security is annoying, and I like to carry a gun in my pickup...
Today was the first day of kindergarten so there were a lot of young mothers running around.
Today they also started enforcing the fire lane in front of the school.
My wife is big on that, she spoke to the fire chief about it. It also annoyed me but I was a little worried about unintended consequences, if you complain and they do something-will it make it all worse?
It did...
I told my daughter, this is why you keep your mouth shut and find another way that everyone else has not figured out....
I should have thought about two things, first the law of supply and demand. Secondly the fact that natural selection has given us young women with poor judgment.
Think about it, why do people get married? It is not as in the old days, to raise a family and to survive. Instead the girl tries to find the man with the most income that her looks can get her. The boy tries to find the best looking girl that he can get naked and continue to get naked until he either has to marry her or she leaves.
So we end up with lots of sort of attractive young women with small children. The first one was the hook, the second was the set, and the third was just the icing on that child support payment. Becuase of true love...

You can't leave two children in the car while you escort the third child across the parking lot so you park right in front of the school in the red fire lane to drop off your kids.
This is not a problem as long as the line moves. The problem is the women getting out of the care and escorting the kids to class.
When you complain then the fire lane rule is enforced. You can't pull up to the curb and drop off the kid.
What do you do?
People are in a hurry and running late and there is no parking.
I usually walk the daughter to the door as I just like my daughter. I park in the side lot where it is too far for the ladies to walk. I'm in and out before the mini-van that was behind me has made it to the offensive parking position on most mornings.
Today it was a mess. I parked the Studebaker in the grass and walked the daughter to class. It was an interesting walk. Those ladies do get pretty shrill. I felt sorry for the Fire Chief who was enforcing the fire lane. He is a nice guy!
Note: I have no answer to the problem. They just needed to stop people from leaving their cars unattended in the fire lane. I think they need a whole new drop off system that you can just drive through and kick the kid out the door, but I don't know how and where to put it. Or a new fire lane...
Or the daughter needs to go back to a small private school...


  1. Be nice to see a picture of the Studebaker.
    Glad to hear it's still running and your still able to walk.
    Now I understand why I waited until I was 34 to get married. Sadly I have sinned, as I didn't go forth and multiply.
    As for the problem at hand, home schooling comes to mind.

  2. depend on others and you have to abide by their rules, no matter their stupidity. depend on yourself, abide by your own rules, no matter the foolishness.

  3. All I can ask is "whatever happened to school buses ?". That is how we got to school for years. Town kids walked, country bumpkins rode the bus. Fire lanes did not exist. Oh right, that was eons ago and we live in a different world now.

  4. Bobby, the Studebaker is no cream puff! I will not make any more marriage comments and poor judgment remarks...

    Griper, that is very good in theory!

    Ralph, People drop their kids off on the way to work. My wife is picking the daughter up on her way home from work. We are taking our kid to school because it is easier to take her than wait for the bus. Next week I think she is going to start the bus.
    I don't think the school parking lot planners thought that with a 7:45 start time they would get a lot more parents dropping off their kids.


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