Thursday, September 8, 2011

Drinking and driving and what I've been doing...

My favorite store just got my favorite beer, ice cold! Taking a drive and we have Lefty on the radio...and Stanley in the back seat!

What I did Sunday. Floated down the river with my daughter. Just the two of us on an old tractor tube.  Looked at fishes, sang silly songs, avoided grownups.

What I've been doing since then. Dust is three inches deep on the fenders. So much for 5 years of no-till! At least now it will be smooth!
 What I want to be doing is hanging out at the beach with Mr and Mrs. Collieguy who are here for a visit. Probably listening to the Ledge right now!


  1. Independent Brewing Co., St. Louis, MO. original secret formula since 1919, now owned by Dr. Pepper.
    Your post reminds me of the bumper sicker and old farmer had on his Studebaker years ago. "If you must drink and drive, drink milk and stay alive!"

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome day!!!

  3. G706-I first had it in Florida in the 1980's. Amazingly good stuff. i still think it tastes the same on a really hot summer day.

    Reggie-I should send you a photo of my employee's other grin in honor of your last post... Sundays are usually good days in my little world.


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