Monday, July 18, 2011

I had a post written but I didn't save it and firefox crashed

And now I have to go to work...
For a quick synopsis: Farming, hay, rain, annoying customers, one nice customer, my daughter, peacocks, a picnic with a brass band, more rain, wet hay, frustration, nerf machine gun attack, blah, blah, blah...
So I think I will post this picture of the Lazy Farmer that collieguy sent me and I will go to work.


  1. That's annoying! Happened to me too, when I started again, I had lost the train of thought I was writing with.

  2. Hey, good one, another Lazy Farmer cartoon. Maybe between us we will come up with a whole volume. I have a few more to post when I get around to it. Take it easy in the hot summer sun. Remember the Lazy Farmer's advice.

  3. Budde, That happened to me a few times. Not fun.
    We'll just have to wait for "The Rest of The Story"

  4. Happened to me a few times too. I hate repeating myself to myself & usually don't get around to it. Part of it has to do with my 2 finger typing.

  5. Lucky for me the nerf gun attack was foiled by the famous archaeologist, Dr. Indiana Jones. Who held the nefarious nerf gunners at bay until I could escape.

  6. Menachem, I looked at your blog. Welcome to the depressed farmers forum... How did you get here from there?

    Ralph, there is no hot summer sun here. It is raining.

    Bobby, I have a short attention span. there may be no rest of the story.

    Muddy, I write and type fairly fast. With my short memory and attention span I soon get ahead of myself and forget were i've been. I need to save frequently.

    G706, I was of the opinion that it was perhaps one of Sherman's blue bellied devils who ambushed us while we were trying to figure out the belt feed on the machine gun. I think perhaps the Nerf Vulcan is more of a defensive weapon than it is the sort of thing to sneak up on unsuspecting ice cream makers.

  7. Bud, I'm not quite sure how I got here. I've been thinking about and researching farming for awhile. Started by reading Gene Logsdon. Not sure where I'm going yet, but I know it's somewhere!


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