Monday, June 13, 2011

Why people visit the Lazy Farmer

I looked at my stats today.
Someone found the Lazy Farmer as a result of a search for John Deere #9 pitman arm parts. They should have emailed me as I think I may have some...

Here are some other search phrases that brought people here this week:
mm 1050 (5)
corn planted too deep (2)
how to split a tractor (2)
my wife is lazy but pretty (2)
porno web cat zaping (2)
30" row beans planting (1)
addhd (1)
almost perpetual motion machine (1)
amish farms are swat teams (1)
amish people are scary (1)

I really didn't know there was interest in "porno web cat zaping," that must be pretty a specialized category!  I am happy to see interest in my "almost perpetual motion machine," I was kind of proud of that invention. But, who knew Amish people were scary! The always seemed pretty mild sorts to me.

The all time greatest hits are
three different spellings of the lazy farmer (53, 42, 41 hits)
blue goat amity (31 hits)
can cows walk down stairs (25 hits)
roberta spen (24 hits)
lee bellinger scam (14 hits)
how to split a tractor (11 hits)
addhd (11 hits)

The griper of the usa has sent me 197 referrals and has sent me 79 has sent me 61 in the last 3/4th of a year since I signed up with blogger stats.

No one has come here after doing a search for The Legendary Stardust Cowboy! I am quite upset...


  1. Guess not everyone has the exquisite taste in music that you do, Budd!

  2. Dude surfs for dusty legendary cowboys zapping porno cats and there's this lazy farmer feller splitting tractors heeYAAH! Cautionary tale for our times, or dandy promo video for an untethered banjo band?

  3. How did you figure this out Budde? Drop me an email please.

    I got one up on all of them though...

    I visited in person!

  4. Interesting. I see the majority of my references come through theLazyFarmer page.
    And that legendary stardust cowboy feller, he don't sing much better than me. And that ain't sayin much. ":-)

  5. "No one has come here after doing a search for The Legendary Stardust Cowboy! I am quite upset"...?
    You're too far down the list. And, I doubt there are many people searching for him. Most of us are glad he is somewhat hard to find.


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