Friday, April 1, 2011

Movies at Ashe's Cafe

This lack of short term memory is a bad deal. I am showing a Gene Autry movie at Ashe's Cafe and I am pretty sure it is Saturday evening. I even wrote it down but lost the scrap of paper I wrote it on. I would go in and ask but I'm hauling fertilizer. I'm obviously not hauling right now but that is only because I have stopped to..... um...  check my email. (wireless routers are wonderful) Perhaps there is a phone number.
Perhaps someone who reads this blog knows...


  1. It's still Friday here. But then again, you are in a different time zone and the international time line could be acting up.
    Hope this helps.

    ps. Are you on your meds? That memory loss is probably a side effect.

  2. Pretty sure you said Saturday. That gives you a day to recover.

  3. I agree with you. I forget what I'm agreeing about or why.

  4. I write things down and loose my notebook. I write things on my hand. Sometimes I make my daughter just follow me around and remember things. I would loose my head if it wasn't up my um...


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