Sunday, March 13, 2011

I find a Cowboy Copas album at Goodwill

I made kind of an amazing find at GoodWill today. A Cowboy Copas album on Nashville Records. It is a compilation album but I have never seen a vintage Copas Album. There is no date but I suppose it is from the 1960's. Cowboy Copas was in the airplane with Patsy Cline and Hawkshaw Hawkins the day country music died. March 5, 1963 the plane crashed near Camden, Tennessee.
I doubt it is worth much. Just interesting listening. I hate to admit I like the instrumental song the best. I think the steel guitar is amazing. There are no credits or liner notes so I have no idea who the other musicians are.
I have for you, "The Rainbow and The Rose." The title song of the album is "Alabam" but you can find that on youtube and it has been posted a couple places already.
The second song is "Waltzing With Sin," and I bet you have never heard that one, and never will again. I wonder if that would be one for Flying Pig Fiddle and Banjo to add to their playlist. Someday (with permission) I am posting a bootleg recording of Bonaparte's Retreat performed by Flying Pig Fiddle and Banjo at the Strumpet Stomp, the formerly annual Birthday Party for the former editor. Willie Nelson's 4th of July Party it ain't!
But I digress...


  1. I am extremely disappointed that you have posted nothing about the Legendary Star Dust Cowboy!! I am stopping payment on the one million dollar donation check I just sent, in protest to this outrage!

  2. I love the waltz! I used to dance with the Cajuns every weekend. After a few 'Cajun swing' numbers the's play a waltz to unwind. I can't think of anyone else that waltzes on a regular basis, at least in this country. I've just donated a great sum of money in thanks! Hmmmmm. I seem to be having trouble with my ispppppppp....

  3. No Sons of the Pioneers in your collection? They bring back memories of my youth.

  4. The friendly folks down at Flying Pig say post away. Can't let the Strumpet Stomp be stamped out.

    If you or maybe MuddyValley will sing "Waltzing With Sin", we'll sure play it.


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