Thursday, February 24, 2011

My wife sent me to Dad's Market for milk and I came home empty handed...

I'm not sure if Dad's Market in Amity has embraced an alternative lifestyle or if I was just in the wrong department... I just couldn't put this on my Wheaties!


  1. Just doesn't seem right to put that on the "breakfast of champions".
    On another note: Please tell me the location of the dairy. I want to stay well clear of it.
    And another thing, no thanks to you, the vision of said dairy has ruined my breakfast!

  2. Only in Amity, home of two antique stores, the blue goat, new pedestrian islands, and icecream store that is never open, and the new Keystone Kops!

  3. Shouldn't there be a rainbow on the label?

  4. That just clicked my memory. There used to be the same brand here in a fancy cardboard carton years ago. Maybe it is still available. I don't know. I just buy the 2% plastic jugs and don't really pay much attention to whats on the label.

  5. I doubt it's a brand, but just someone remembereing the early days when we were kids and the FDA and the big dairies first turned milk into a poison by homogenizing it.

  6. It is kind of an offensive post... Just seemed funny at the time. You can by non poisoned milk but it is all diluted to 2%. Seems like you could buy whole milk and dilute it yourself.


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