Friday, February 18, 2011

I record stuff

What I recorded...

I heard that the new computerized book reader was killing the chain bookstores. I just can't see that happening. I think reading a book off of a LCD screen would not be a good experience. I like to listen to books on MP3 but not read them on a computer.
I think Amazon and one day shipping probably killed the books stores. That and the fact that no one can read any more.
I suppose I'm getting into dangerous territory by attempting to post these recordings. It is like the govt. thinking the 1099 will bring in lost revenue.
Where in the world would you hear the Human's (a very obscure LA surf punk band from 1979) sing "Wild Thing."
Or hear the one country song by "The Replacements?"
Oh, that is right... NOWHERE!
So if a couple albums sell then great! If not, you didn't have the money to begin with. Sort of like stepping over a dollar to bust someone for stealing .0000001 cents!


  1. Books will never be replace.
    There are still people who like to sit and enjoy the feel of a book. Being able to immerse yourself into a plot, a different world, or a place in your mind you have never been to.
    It's just not the same with a computer or tablet and if you have to explain it to someone, they are too far gone.

  2. Unlike cellphones, iPads, kindle and computers and PDA's on wifi, books always get good reception (and even without batteries, dead or "alive").

  3. And now we know why the Humans are obscure! :-)

    You may have the only album in existence. Fun to hear though.
    I went fishing with the Beach Boy's drummer once on a sea wall in Florida. He gave me his catch. My one (oh so small) claim to (pretty much no) fame.

  4. Well Budde, looks like you got a handle on the recording process alright. Interesting about copyright rules on music though. I dubbed in some music from an old cassette tape to this youtube video I posted a while back and next thing I know, youtube notifies me that I have used copyrighted material. Who would have thought? Anybody else remember Bob Wills?

  5. Bobby, I just don't see the tablet replacing a book except for really slow readers. Of course I buy used books and read them in an evening and so perhaps I am not the target market...

    Gorges, I like to see two pages at once and I like to read in the bathtub. Sometimes I go to sleep and drop the book in the bath. That is not so good.

    Muddy, I really screwed up the sound when i compressed the recording for the blog. They are not all that good but they had a lot of energy. We have an MM tractor that was owned by the Fogerty brothers of CCR.

    Ralph, That really illustrates the problem with the copyright interpretations. Your video using Bob Wills is not generating you any income. It could be the first time anyone has ever heard of Bob Wills and would be more likely to inspire someone to buy a CD to hear more music. Limiting exposure limits marketing opportunities. Of course, no one in government or big business has ever had a real job, been self employed, or sold anything but drugs.

  6. I saw the Humans play in La at dive called the stardust ball room in 1979. They opened for Iggy Pop and I thought they were great. I don't think good rock music need to be played all that well. A few power cords a lot of energy and mean it!
    That was a real culture shock for a kid just off the farm in 79!
    Thanks for putting that recording on your blog.


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