Sunday, January 23, 2011

For Ralph Goff, bicycle powered snowmobile

This is exactly what you need to travel south for the Lazy Farmer Imaginary 99W Low-Brow Diner Tour of 2012! (See previous post on the Blue Goat Not Revisited... (Click Here)
Here is a video on YouTube: (Click Here)
I wonder if they make a kit for my Schwinn Sting-Ray?


  1. That might actually be a good thing to have!

  2. Yeah, you could install a hopper and a drill on the ski & plant all those spots you missed when you were playing with the iphone!
    Actually, it looks like it will only be good for going downhill slowly.

  3. I thought the video was pretty funny, the hard rock thrasher music and you know that thing moves really slow.
    Perhaps I could use it as a slug baiter? Wonder how it does in the mud?

  4. Never seen anything like it Budde. Someone is pretty inventive. There was a time I'd have been pretty gung ho to ride one of those. NOwadays it just looks like hard work and pain when you fall down.

  5. "Perhaps I could use it as a slug baiter? Wonder how it does in the mud?"

    You would get it stuck. I have faith in you!


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