Monday, November 15, 2010

What sort of winter will we have?

Tell me which picture tells more about the kind of winter will have?

The Wooly Bear photo? They say you can tell by the width of his stripe.

Or this photo of me spilling 600lbs of wheat on the ground. (oops, shouldn't have pulled that string-it didn't make it tighter...)


  1. Colder than normal with increased chance of unplanned disappointment and depression?

  2. I would say that all that seed in one place ensures a bountiful crop there. Think positive!

  3. Wide Wooly Bear stripe means this guy is hip, well heeled and a fashion setter among the wormy set. Pulling the wrong string once just means a long day, but watch for a trend...

  4. Wow, dry chunky soil in the caterpillar photo, something I have not seen here all year. Spilled grain usually means it is going to rain and spoil it pretty quick (unless you clean it up right away).
    Muskrat houses mean something here they say. They are the biggest, highest houses I have ever seen. Either we are for a winter of deep snow or huge muskrats coming out of those houses next spring.

  5. G706, i feel much more cheerful now...
    V. the geese ate it all... rats with wings!
    Collieguy, thanks for settling that question. There are always strings attached I hear.
    Ralph, the dry chunky soil was a couple weeks ago. Sorry to be misleading. giant muskrats I imagine. Probably due to global warming or chemtrails depending on which alarmist you prefer.

  6. And to cheer you up even more, that looks more like 60 lbs than 600lbs of grain. Unless you were able to collect on CI in which case it looked more like 6000. :-)


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